Thursday 10 October 2024

Biden schizophrenic on Israel

Joe Biden recently claimed that Israel had no greater a supporter than the Biden administration  I beg to differ. The Trump administration was markedly stronger in support, organising the Abraham Accords, recognising Jerusalem as its capital, never stinting in arms sales, assassinating Sukeiman Solemani, vetoing anti Zionist moves in the United Nations. 

Biden by contrast has been fickle, inconsistent and schizophrenic. Support for Israeli self-defence swiftly followed by warnings about “proportionality” and calls for “ceasefire”. Just at the time when it would be best for Israel to push its wins to victory. Arms sales are continued when the mood takes him; then halted on a whim. Israeli politicians are scandalously put under sanction, the first time ever such an action taken by a so-called ally. The Biden DOJ supports the United Nations claiming immunity for UNRWA members who took part in October 7th massacres. Biden administration supports the scandalous ICJ investigations into alleged (and bullshit) Israel “genocide” (an ICJ headed by a Lebanese judge!) and the equally scandalous (and probably illegal) finding of the ICC against Israeli individuals.

This is your “great support”, Joe? Give me a break. 

I recently came across a letter Dennis Prager wrote to the now-certifiably crazy Candace Owens, which is here

Part 3 covers some of the ways Israel has been a strong ally to the United States and how it has helped move the world forward with its remarkable inventions. Not to mention its contributions to music, arts and literature. Name one single thing the equivalent of this in the Islamic world. One. Let alone in the world of the “3 Hs”: Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthi.  There is none. 

The headings in the letter refers to views which Candace has espoused, which Dennis debunks.


3. Israel is not our ally

You [Candace Owens] say you are “over the idea that Israel is our ally . . . if another person says that stupid statement, I am going to personally punch you in the face.” You then add that the “punch in the face” comment was a joke. But nothing else was meant as a joke.

The “joke” conveyed your contempt for anyone who says such a thing. I am one of those. And I am hardly an outlier in this regard. American administrations, Democrat and Republican, since Harry Truman saw Israel as America’s greatest ally in the Middle East, and one of its greatest allies in the world. Only the Biden administration has begun to regard Israel differently.

In every year for which I could find data — 2005 to 2021 — Israel voted with America at the United Nations more often than any other country in the world.

And no country has supplied the U.S. with more intelligence or as much arms innovation as has Israel. I’ll cite an example from 1986: The New York Times quoted retired Air Force intelligence chief, Gen. George F. Keegan, as praising “Israeli assistance in discovering Soviet Air Force capabilities, new weapons, electronics and jamming devices. ’I could not have procured the intelligence . . . with five CIAs. The ability of the U.S. Air Force in particular, and the Army in general, to defend whatever position it has in NATO owes more to the Israeli intelligence input than it does to any other single source of intelligence, be it satellite reconnaissance, be it technology intercept, or what have you.’

The Iron Dome has become a critical part of the U.S. Army’s defense system. It is produced in America, but its technology was invented in Israel.

Bill Gates, whom I do not like, but who knows the tech industry, said in 2006 that the “innovation going on in Israel is critical to the future of the technology business.”

Mike Huckabee, another conservative Christian who supports Israel — in your view, if I understand you correctly, foolishly and counter to Christian values — wrote in the conservative Washington Examiner:

Modern Israel has given us the mobile phone, the drip irrigation system, the USB thumb drive, many of the most effective cancer killing drugs in use, voice mail, video on demand, and cherry tomatoes. America’s relationship with Israel is not merely organizational, it’s organic. Israel is a mirror image of America in its commitment to religious liberty, education, women’s rights, free speech, democratic governance and free-market capitalism. Women have equal access to education and workplace opportunities. While a Jewish state, Israel also protects all religious shrines and provides Christians, Muslims and Jews universal access to all religious sites. (How many churches or synagogues are equally protected by the Syrians or the Iranians?)