Tuesday 1 October 2024

Real peace in the Middle East is possible | Brigitte Gabriel

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Brigitte Gabriel
I've followed for some years. A Christian Lebanese who cries for the destruction of her country. Which happened because of Islamist nutters, aka Hezbollah, who were born there as the Palestinian Liberation Organisation. 

Imagine what could happen in the Middle East, without the malign influence of the Mullahs in Tehran, via their proxies in Hezbollah, Hamas and the Houthis. 

Just imagine the peace. 

Just imagine the Blessing. 

That is the strategy and the vision of Israel: 

Netanyahu shows the choices for our world, at his United
Nations speech on 28 September 2024
This is the true choice. The real choice. The actual choice. Even if the person making it so clear and obvious may be someone that you don't like, like Bibi Netanyahu. Who I do very much do like, as it happens, but many seem not to. This is clear choice. 

The Black side is to choose the way of Jihadi Islam, of Sharia Islam, of Islam to conquer the world -- which they all say quite openly and repeatedly. It's THE CURSE. And indeed it is. Islam is a curse. 

The Green side, in Bibi's left hand, is "THE BLESSING". Which is what would happen if simply this happened: if the Muslims in the Middle East decided that they did not need to kill all the Jews. That the Jews have the right to their little patch of land. Only less tha one half of one percent of all the land that the Arabs already have. If the simply did that, then THE BLESSING. 

We should have been pushing this line early on. From the founding of Israel in 1948. Instead we got sidetracked by thinking that it was a land issue and that "Two States Solution" was a solution. It was not and never was and never will be. 

It's not too late for the world to come around to supporting Israel as the beacon of civilistion in the Middle East. All of the Middle East will be better off, all the people will be better off, for imbibing the culture of the Jews.