Tuesday, 18 March 2025

Learn about "uti possidetis juris". Not nearly as boring as you might think!

Click above for the video
With the wonderful Natasha Hausdorff, expert in International Law, speaking to the lads from Triggernometry, via a vid from a new follow of mine, The Travelling Clatt (don't ask; I don't know...), posting from the holy land. 

She gives a clear explanation of why international borders are like they are. And specifically that Judea & Samaria (aka "the West Bank") and Gaza are part of original Israeli territory, at the time of partition by the United Nations, under the principle of uti possidetis juris, that is, International law. They are not and never have been "Occupied" lands. 

Konstantin Kisin gets it immediately. It's as if Ukraine invaded and captured Crimea from the Russians. That would be a reversion of their own land, under uti possidetis juris, and not an "Occupation". 

She explains the history of Judea & Samaria in particular. How they were to be given to Jordan in return for recognition, or at least peace, in the long-held theory that there can be "land for peace', part of what is called the 2-state solution, but which we now see as being a mirage. A chimera. Unachievable, because the "palestinians" themselves don't want it. They merely want to genocide of all Jews... Worldwide. 

The term "Occupied territories" she says, is a blood libel. 

Listen on, above, it's fascinating.