- The mass murder by truck on New Year''s Eve in New Orleans was motivated by the ideology of Islam.
- That ideology is spread in the United States by the Muslim Brotherhood, via a multitude of related outfits, the top being the Council on American Islamic Relations, CAIR.
- The Muslim Brotherhood operates very much behind the scenes. Its main aim is "eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within" to establish the global Islamic caliphate.
- The Muslim Brotherhood invented the term "Islamophobia" to deflect and deter any criticism of the ideology of Islam.
- To counter this supremacist ideology we need to defang the term "islamophobia".
A man named Shamsud-Din Jabbar murdered 14 people in New Orleans on NYE by driving his truck into them. When I saw he was a Muslim, I thought, well... there's the motive then. Islam.
Jumping to conclusions? Stereotyping?
Sure I am. Like George Clooney as "Ryan" says in his movie Up in the Air: "I'm like my mother. I stereotype. It's faster."
- Ryan (George Clooney) [to Natalie while watching passengers go through airport security] Never get behind people traveling with infants. I've never seen a stroller collapse in less than 20 minutes. Old people are worse. Their bodies are littered with hidden metal and they never seem to appreciate how little time they have left. Bingo, Asians. They pack light, travel efficiently, and they have a thing for slip on shoes. Gotta love 'em.
- Natalie: That's racist.
- Ryan: I'm like my mother, I stereotype. It's faster.
So, sure, I stereotype. It's faster.
When I heard Jabbar was a pious Muslim, I thought, well, that seals it then. Killing infidels. Killing unbelievers. It's what you gotta do if you're a pious Muslim.
And when we learned that he was flying an ISIS flag from his pick up truck! Well, that did it. QED. For me, anyway.
Not for the FBI, though. Their first go at jumping to a conclusion was from the narrative that Islam is a "Religion of Peace" and so this can't be a terrorist incident. As the lead FBI investigator said immediately after the killings: "... it is not a terrorist event..."
So, I jump to a conclusion by stereotyping and I'm right. As I usually am. FBI jumps to a conclusion derived from a narrative and is wrong. As it usually is.
Others say Jabbar was in financial straits. Owed his ex-wife piles of alimony. His real estate business was failing. That's why he committed these vile acts. Suicide by cop. But then I recall I was in a similar way back around the mid 1990s, and similar thoughts came to mind. But I pushed them aside, loser thoughts, and selfish. Many others have. Only if you have the Lord above, in the shape of Allah, will you think that killing a lot of infidels will not only solve your own problem, but give you free entry to the virgin-land of Allah's imagination. This is a mass death "event", driven by the ideology of Islam. There you have it.
Jabbar's trailer-home in Houston TX
Jabbar has a Koran on the table, open at Surah 9.111, which says:
Allah has indeed purchased from the believers their lives and wealth in exchange for Paradise. They fight in the cause of Allah and kill or are killed. This is a true promise binding on Him in the Torah, the Gospel, and the Quran. And whose promise is truer than Allah’s? So rejoice in the exchange you have made with Him. That is ˹truly˺ the ultimate triumph. [Reference]
You see. If you kill infidels and are killed, you go to heaven, where Allah promises you 72 virgins. If you kill infidels and are not killed yourself... no worries. You're blessed by Allah and have those doe-eyed houris awaiting you whenever you're ready. So it's a good deal either way, dead or alive. As long as you kill non-Muslims.
One of the "Reflections" recorded at the Surah says this is a "trade" and not a "sacrifice". That is: you trade your life to Allah and in return for your trade, Allah gives you 72 virgins. Personally, I don't see how that is supposed to make it better, but somehow it is. To Muslims, at least, for they all love this Surah.
On Jabbar's bookshelf I recognise the Hadith of Bukhari, green with gold lettering, same as my copies. The Hadith are second only to the Koran in authority, Bukhari's being the most authoritative. They relate the doings and sayings of Muhammad (whereas the Koran is -- we are told -- the actual, literal word of Allah, passed direct to Muhammed by the Angel Gabriel). The fact that Jabbar was reading both the Koran and the Hadith confirms he was a true and pious believer.
Worth repeating here that Islam is the only religion in the world that still calls on its believers to kill unbelievers. It says to kill unbelievers "wherever you find them".
It is a powerful ideology that encourages killing non-Muslims. As Peter Jennings notes:
Islamic State and other groups remain a powerful ideological force. They offer a certainty, now and in the eternal life, which some people – many in fact – will kill for.
This is not just in the Middle East. For some in Muslim diaspora communities in the West, and handfuls of non-Muslim individuals who may be willing to adopt an extremist Islamism, this ideology is a powerful force.
The imam at Jabbar's mosque
Jabbar frequented a mosque near his trailer-home in Houston. The Imam of the mosque, Fahmee Al-Uqdah, is something of a Jew-hater. Nothing unusual there, for any pious Muslim is going to hate Jews.
The Koran hates on Jews. The Hadith even more so. The Jewish tribes in Medina, today's Saudi Arabia, made fun of Muhammad when he came to preach his message. They laughed at him. He never forgave them. Hated them. Fought them. And that goes on to this day. As the Jews are still the kings of stand-up....
The Imam at Jabbar's mosque explains to his flock why Hitler -- a man with a "nice moustache" -- killed Jews. Basically, he says, they brought it on themselves for being too successful. You see. [Later: I saw and read this on the NYP site, but it seems to have been deleted].
The Imam sent a letter out to his congregation after the killings telling them that if the FBI or media wanted any comment, they should refer to CAIR or ISGH. CAIR is the Council on American Islamic Relations and ISGH is a subsidiary of ISNA is the Islamic Society of North America.
I understand why you'd want to advise folks not to talk to the FBI or media, without some expert help. After all, we say the same. Don't talk to the police without your lawyer present.
But CAIR and ISNA are both part of the Muslim Brotherhood web in North America. As are the dozens of other Islamic organisations in the United States. The Brotherhood is behind them all.
This is a worry, for the Brotherhood's aim, since founded in 1928, has been the Islamisation of the whole world. It's set out in an Explanatory Memorandum. The Ikhwan [Muslim Brothers] must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and "sabotaging" its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God's religion is made victorious over all other religions. [Reference]
All CAIR and no responsibility
In 2008 the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), Islam's peak body in the U.S. and many other Islamic organisations were found to be creatures of the Muslim Brotherhood, both giving and receiving finance for terrorists. This was the conclusion of the "Holy Land Foundation" trials, run by Obama's own Justice Department.
Nothing has changed since then. There has been no crack down on the activities of any of these Brotherhood-related entities. We have probable gone even softer on them than before, as we see overt Hamas-loving activities at US Universities and cities. Hamas itself being a creating of the Muslim Brotherhood.
And this despite the fact that the United Arab Emirates named CAIR as a terrorist body in 2014. And that there are more bans against the Muslim Brotherhood in the Islamic world than there are in the west. Which is so scared of being labelled "Islamophobic" for doing so.
Muslim Brotherhood orgs in the US at 1998 Many more since. From here |
No action against the Muslim Brotherhood
Why have we done nothing? In part because of the success of all these MB bodies around the US, which are charged with Public Relations. They have made criticism of Islam a taboo for many by the deployment of the Islamophobe label on anyone who dares to criticise.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali has been banging on about this for years. She says we should be even more concerned with Dawa than with terrorism. Dawa is the proselytisation of Islam. Spreading Islam by "peaceful" means. Islamisation.
Ms. Hirsi Ali is not afraid to call these groups out. Her book names five including the Council on American-Islamic Relations, which asserts—and in turn receives in the mainstream media—the status of a moderate Muslim organization. But groups like CAIR, Ms. Hirsi Ali says, “take advantage of the focus on ‘inclusiveness’ by progressive political bodies in democratic societies, and then force these societies to bow to Islamist demands in the name of peaceful coexistence.” [Reference]
Dismantling the word "Islamophobia"
"Islamophobia" is a bogus word. It was invented by the Muslim Brotherhood, specifically to deflect criticism of Islam. It's been wildly successful at that.
We need to reclaim the word. By reclaim I mean to ditch it. So revile it. To mock it. To refuse to be silenced by it. To tell everyone that it was invented by the ideological fount of supremacist Islam.
Christopher Hitchens said that the word "Islamophobia" is “a word created by fascists, and used by cowards, to manipulate morons.”
The fascists are the Muslim Brotherhood. The cowards are all those too scared to speak honestly about Islam. And the morons are all those who too readily accept that there is such a thing as a "phobia" when what is being criticised is an ideology.
"Islamophobia" a term invented by the Muslim Brotherhood. Ex Muslim Brother, Abdur-Rachman Muhammad: "It is a thought-terminating cliche conceived in the bowels of Muslim think tanks for the purpose of beating down critics".
Muslim Brotherhood ties to ISIS and Al-Qaeda Counter Extremism Project
What in the hell is wrong with disliking Islam, the ideology? Ridvan Aydemir, Apostate Prophet
Connect the dots between New Orleans and support for anti-Israel terror Jonathan Tobin, JNS
The aim of Islam in America. [Feb 2013 post] The then Chair of CAIR Omar M. Ahmad says: "... Islam isn't in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant,The Koran, the Muslim book of scripture, should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth..."
The Muslim Brotherhood plan for Dar al-Islam. Brigitte Gabriel