Saturday, 18 January 2025

Who’s to Blame for the LA Fire Disaster? | Michael Shellenberger

Democrats: The LA wildfires are due to Climate Change. And Mother nature. We did the best we could. Don't criticise/politicise while we're suffering and dealing with the emergency. 

Republicans: Climate Change didn't cause the wildfires. It was mismanagement. Crazy woke policies and DEI worsened them. Get your act together before we commit federal funds to help out. 

It's not coin toss. There's more of one than the other, of these scenarios, which should be clear from the vast amount of coverage. 

Just in case.... there's an excellent in detailed talk of all the issues, Michael Shellenberger, talking to John Papola.

His first point: what's needed is a Quick Response Unit. You have to get on top of ignitions as soon as they happen. This was not done in LA. 

Shellenberger is a leftie from way back. A Time Magazine "Hero of the Environment". I've read both his main books: Apocalypse Never and San Fransicko. He really does know whereof he speaks. This talk gets into some philosophical discussions in the second half. Like about neo-Marxism, Marcusianism, Gramsciism. About all of which we can read more at Christopher Rufo's America's Cultural Revolution. 

On Climate Change: "These fires could have happened without Climate Change. And they need not have happened even with Climate Change." The direct cause of these fires: they are ignition events. 

Shellenberger talks about the drugs issue and how it's made wildfires more likely. I used to be all in favour of decriminalising drugs. No longer. As a result of seeing what that's done to so many states in America. Worst of all CA. Watch on... 

[0:00] Unpacking the official narrative lies [12:49] LA’s systemic failure isn’t just one big coincidence [17:45] The homeless crisis drained the firefighting budget [27:12] Forest management failures aren’t the main story [31:34] Why leftist radicals want to let Malibu burn [42:53] Hollywood elites elected their own oppressors [52:44] White voters in LA are hypnotized by identity politics [59:35] Is the DEI criticism fair or just right-wing opportunism? [1:06:09] Western civilization is sacrificing itself [1:13:42] Did climate change play a role in the fires? [1:22:25] Climate hysteria is a symptom of privilege [1:28:29] Is the woke reign of terror truly over? [1:33:32] Hazing matter for emergency preparedness [1:38:44] Why Michael is optimistic for the future

Friday, 17 January 2025

"The JFK Conspiracy: The Secret Plot to Kill Kennedy―and Why It Failed" | Brad Meltzer

Watching Adam Carolla talk to Brad Meltzer about his latest book.

Which reminds me of when I first arrived in New York, as a young kid, in September 1960, just before the first Kennedy-Nixon debate on the 26th September. Dad was 

Australian representative at the United Nations. We were in a hotel on East 22nd Street, just before we decamped to suburban New Rochelle. 

We watched the debate on a little black and white box, in our hotel room. For us it was the first time we'd even seen television, which at the time hadn't arrived in Australia. So it was kind of magic. 

And to see these two men, battle it out on television. Magic. 

This was just before Kruschev banged his shoe, at the United Nations, declaring, angrily that "we will bury you". As in communism, the Soviet Union would bury us, the West and US. 

Then we went to Germany where we were, Dad in the Australian Embassy in the then capital Bonn, when the Communists started building the Berlin Wall, in August 1961. 

Then not long after, I to Canberra, where I heard about the Kennedy assassination on 22 November 1963.

Brad Meltzer reveals an earlier attempt on Kennedy in his new book. I don't know about it at all. Meltzer says we don't know about it because news was overshadowed by the Cuban Missile Crisis.

What a crazy few years. Kennedy-Nixon, assassinations, brink of nuclear war, Berlin wall. Kruschev's shoe. 

Hence, buying the book. The JFK Conspiracy: The Secret Plot to Kill Kennedy―and Why It Failed

Talking dogs...


Thursday, 16 January 2025

Suicidal Emphathy


Examples: Ireland. Germany. Canada. Holland

I realise the above might come across as racist, bigoted, xenophobic, islamophobic. 

My counter:

Gad Saad is a Canadian professor of evolutionary psychology. He's from Lebanon. Where he and his family, Jews, were kicked out by the invading Muslim Palestinians. His parents were held hostage and tortured. He saw Lebanon turn from a secular, tolerant Christian majority country, where Jews lived side-by-side with Muslims, to today's viciously intolerant Muslim majority country where Jews are hounded out or killed. 

Lebanon is just one more in the long line of countries, most in the Middle East and Asia, that were taken over by Muslim imperialism, and are now failing states, riven by violence. All are at the bottom of the United Nations Human Development Report Index. There's a one-to-one correlation between the extent of Islamic influence and the failure of that society. 

What has happened across the Middle East will happen in Europe and the U.K.  We see it in front of our eyes. 

Unless you happen to live in England and you live up in lovely rural Yorkshire. Because Islamists don't visit the countryside. But look at Birmingham, Rotherham, Manchester, Luton, and dozens of other towns, all become English versions of Islamabad. Women are covered. Visiting non-Muslims are expected to do the same. Pubs are shut down. That's what Gad Saad is warning about. And what I have, here in this blog, for 16 years. 

Putting up with this, for the sake of people we feel sorry for, is what Gad Saad calls "Suicidal Empathy". 

I like the phrase. We see it all over, once we look for it. 

At the United States Southern Border, for example. "Imagine there's no countries", sang John Lennon. "... nothing to kill or die for". Except they do. And we do. Suicidal Empathy. 

Not my people...


Wednesday, 15 January 2025

The Sandwich Mafia…


Click bove for the video
Chamath, from the All-In podcast nails it here. Devastating. 

The CA Dem officials voted against what works, in favour of what sounds nice. As I was saying... 

Destroys the narrative they're trying to run, which is nothing could have been done. It was Global Warming, and it was "Mother Nature", as the silly-ninnies on the View were saying. I mean, not that Climate Change is not an issue. Just that even given that it is, you have to be ready for it, even more so, given it's making things worse, according to all these folk. But that's just what CA Governor Gavin Newsom and his merry band of Justice Warriors was not. Not ready. Not at all ready. 

Tuesday, 14 January 2025

Sea Water for the LA fires? Some sensible thoughts

Click above for the video
A few days ago, LA resident James Woods mentioned that the authorities had stopped the LA Fire Department using sea water to douse fires, because it could "harm the vegetation". This seemed rather silly to me. Like... burning is far worse, no?

The above is an in-depth take on the issue. Long story short: sea water is fine. And it could have been -- should have been --- used in the current fires. 

This is also by way of being an educational video. I learnt a lot! Can the authorities? 

Dessert Animals...


Monday, 13 January 2025

Remembering Jimmy Carter. Remembering Iran of old

Me and Ray, Iranian desert, near Isfahan, May 1975...
I was in Iran when it was run by The Shah of Iran. May of 1975. We were on our way from London to India in an old Ford Anglia, and stopped off to visit friends who were living in Isfahan, in the middle of the country. So we drove there. It's a near 500km trip, south, via the fabled city of Qum. 

Had a lot of fun. Stayed with our friends and met their students, learning English. Lovely folk, free and easy. 

That was 1975. 

Four years later, the world changed. The Shah was overthrown by the Ayatollah Khomenei, who'd been exiled in France. Somehow he managed a coup, returned as a conquering hero. I remember it still. The adulation. Supported by the Left in Iran. The infamous Red-Green alliance.

Supported too by the new president of the United States, Jimmy Carter. He didn't like the Shah, cause he kept dungeons. Where he tossed his political enemies. 

Thing is: This was yet another case of Thomas Sowell's dictum: "There are no solutions. Only trade-offs." 

Carter thought in solutions. The Shah was a tyrant, so had to go. That's the solution. But it wasn't a solution. As we know from what happened. From then until today. 

The immediate result was that Khomeini turned on his Leftist backers. He had them all rounded up and killed. By his sidekick Ebrahim Raisi, who met his 72 virgins in a helicopter crash last year. Before ascending to his heaven, Raisi managed to jail and kill over 30,000 leftist students, erstwhile Ayatollah supporter. So much for the Red-Green alliance. 

Shortly after all this, I read a book about the time; "The Stoning of Soraya M". It's a book that's stayed with me. 

For here's the thing: The Shah may have been cruel to his political enemies. But the Ayatollah was way worse. As in waaaaay worse. For forty years we've witnessed the horrors of an Islamic Theocracy.

First up, they thought they'd humiliate Jimmy Carter -- and the United States --- himself, their loudest supporter. How well I remember the Iranian leftists, the students, who stormed the American Embassy in Tehran and took the diplomats hostage. How well I recall the disastrous rescue attempt. 

But mostly I recall Carter's naive, pathetic, ill-informed, support for the Islamic Theocracy. For which he never once apologised. And we're supposed to wish him well on his way to heaven? 

No Jimmy. Who compounded his huge Iranian mistake by hating on Israel. Because Jews in America, normally well-heeled and loyal Dem supporters, turned against him to turf him out of office, because of his middle east failures, which he then held against them. And so went all pro-Palestinian and invented the "Israel as an apartheid state" myth. He says it in his book, "Israel: Peace not Apartheid". 

So, no, I don't think we need speak well of the dead. He's dead. He had his day. His influence was bad. His impact on the world was negative. He made the world a worse place, by helping empower Mad Mullahs and Killer Khomeinis. 

... and the result. Cliff climbing, in the Iranian desert, 1975


ADDED: The Shah of Iran was a moderniser. He tried to westernise the country. To empower women. To develop a democracy. He didn't get it all right. Society was far more conservative that he'd counted on. He had adversaries. Which he hndled by tossing them in dungeons. Not at all nice dungeons, let us be clear. But how was Shah Pahalavi compared to the Bearded Mullahs that came after? The Islamic theocratic dictators were clearly much worse. And remain so right up until today. 

The Iranin Beard-ocracy is hugely unpopular. We know this from various uprisings by young people. Women especially don't like one little bit having to cover their hair. On pain of imprisonment or worse. We have failed them every time they've risen up: under Obama and under Biden. Shame on us. 

That's why I say there's no solutions, only trade-offs. The trade off in Iran was clearly -- even then, not just in retrospect -- between one less than perfect government of the Shah and a far less perfect, indeed horrid, government of bearded Islamic nut-jobs. Who hate on the West, on Women, on Democracy, on "Infidels', on all of us in the enlightenment world, and, just to be clear, on Jews and Israel. 

Thanks Jimmy. Not. 


  • Barack and the Donald yuck it up at Carter's funeral
  • Ruthie Blum sticks it to Carter. Yes, it's ok to speak ill of the dead. 

Naughty goldfish


Sunday, 12 January 2025

71st Birthday


With Jing, Discovery Bay, Hong Kong, 12 January 2021
Today is my 75th. Most remember 🙏. Some forget... 😞

Another birthday gal, daughter Jane, born on same day as me, with Jay...

Bad dog...


Saturday, 11 January 2025

“Replacing what works with what sounds good”. Explaining the LA wildfires.

Click above for the video (just one of very many on the LA fires)

Words of wisdom from the great Thomas Sowell

Much of the social history of the Western world over the past three decades has involved replacing what worked with what sounded good.

"Replacing what works with what sounds good". 

Let's try it with the LA fires that are currently devastating the city.  LA, a city where close relatives have lived for years. Where we have many friends. Now burning. 10,000 houses destroyed. 40,000 people without a home. Many uninsured, because... well,, we'll get to that. 7 dead. 100s injured. Plenty of coverage out there, YT, X. CNN…

Here I just want to look at why. Why this? What might have been done differently? Was it avoidable? Short answer: yes. Because it was predicable, and anything predictable can be avoided. Just that it was not. Why? 

Largely because California replaced what works, with what sounds good but doesn't work.  

Let's see:

Fire breaks

  • What works: fire breaks. This used to happen around LA until the 1980s. It kept fires at bay. As Dr Drew describes.  The forests were "criss-crossed by fire breaks'. James Woods (who lost his house) describes how a forest fire in the state of Washington burnt madly up to the Canadian border and stopped. Why? Because the Canadians had fire breaks, but WA didn't. 
  • What sounds good: we must stop making fire breaks to save the migratory patterns of a mouse. That happened. Then we saved other animals by not cutting fire breaks. Sounds good right? But then another Sowell quote kicks in: "There are no solutions; only trade offs". The trade-off for saving these wild animals is more forest fires. For some, this may be worth it. For many more others, not. 

Brush cutting

  • What works: clear the brush in the forests and on private homes. 
  • What sounds good: leave the brush in the forests for the little animals. Again, definitely sounds good and is likely even actual good. Again: there's the "no solutions, only trade-offs" issue. What worked: City officials used to check if private homes cleared the brush on their land. What sounds good: now those city officials have been diverted to going after illegally parked vehicles. Sounds good for other car users. Not so good for the brush-clearance program. 

Water management

  • What works: Dams and reservoirs. 
  • What sounds good: destroy dams to save the salmon and pike and smelt. Again... no solutions only trade-offs. With the nice-sounding fish-preservation, you have greater danger for the public and property. What definitely doesn't work: closing for maintenance a major LA reservoir right before the major fire season, as happened with the Pasadena reservoir which normally holds the equivalent of 200 olympic sized swimming pools of water. Because it was empty, the fire hydrants in Pasadena didn't work. 
(On this hydrant issue, we heard first that the hydrants were not pumping water. Then we heard from authorities, including Joe Biden, that this was "right-wing misinformation", only to have the CA Governor Gavin Newsome, finally admit that yes, there was indeed a problem with empty hydrants, and he would "institute an enquiry". Thanks Gav.)

Capable emergency services

  • What works: getting the best and most qualified to staff the emergency services. 
  • What sounds good: We want more gender equality. More LGBTQ staff. More intersectionality. More Diversity Equity and Inclusion. But... are we getting the best? In many cases, clearly not. 

Insuring Homes

  • What works: encouraging home-insurance companies to stay in California. By mitigating risks, especially fire risk.
  • What sounds good: telling insurance companies they must insure homes in CA, even as the risks of fire escalate. Result: insurance companies decide to leave CA, rather than have to face unacceptable risks. Many of the homes destroyed by fire are uninsured, because they became uninsurable. Thanks to the CA government, of Gavin Newsome. 

Choose your mayor (and your Governor) wisely

  • What works: choosing a mayor on the basis of skill, experience, competence.
  • What sounds good: choosing a mayor based on sex and skin colour. I know a number of liberals in LA who said openly and proudly that they couldn't vote for the "white guy", despite his huge experience at construction and management, but could Karen Bass, because she's a woman of colour. And so we get the incompetence that is on clear display. Together with the incompetence at the head of the LA Fire Department, whose 3 top officials are lesbians and WOCs. 
So, in sum: the whole thing with all the problems, pretty much all, is down to ceasing to do things that work and doing instead things that sound good. 

Many of them sound so good, I could buy into them myself, or at least my younger self could. Things like saving the salmon in a river by destroying the dams, to give them free run of the river. But then I also buy into the other quote from Sowell; That there are no solutions only trade offs. You destroy dams as  "solution" for the salmon and the trade-off is people suffer. And I'm also not so sure that there couldn't be other ways to save the salmon: like have spillways and diversions, for example. 

The biggest issue in the management of LA is in choosing the Mayor. Where heaps of people -- the majority -- decided that they would vote for something that sounded nice (a minority Woman of Colour), instead of something that would work (an experienced businessman developer). 

Crazy but true. 

Have a look at the qualifications of Karen Bass, the current mayor, and those of her opponent, Rick Caruso below. 

LA people chose Bass because of identity politics.  I know which I'd prefer. Caruso is a billionaire. That means he has to spend less time on the tawdry task of fund-raising. It also means he doesn't do the job because he needs it. Give me a successful property developer any time, vs someone who's only ever held a government job. But Angelinos chose Bass. Because. Minority of Colour. 

From Here:

BTW: Home-owner responsibility

If I lived in LA I would be aware of the annual fires. Every year at this time they are fanned by the infamous Santa Ana winds. They've been around forever. And if they've got worse because of Climate Change, that's only all the more reason to Do Things That Work, instead of things-that-sound-nice. 

I would know that. So I'd have a Grab Bag, as we do on a yacht. In the Grab Bag: you keep your Passport, ID card, valuables, some clothing, ready to go. I would install a fireproof and looter-proof hideaway in my house, a Safe Storage to store other valuables, like photo albums, paintings, jewelry, and any other stuff that you'd hate to lose. Make is so that if the house burns down, you have your most cherished items somewhere safe, either in your Grab Bag or in the Safe Storage. 


I've watched a lot of CNN. What they've done is to report on the fires. Which is fine. What they've put out of bounds is discussing who might be responsible and why. Because it would reflect badly on the very Blue Democratic government of California, an effective one-party state. Must protect. 

Friday, 10 January 2025


New Year’s Resolutions...

Eye witness to Muslim gang-grooming young English girls | Lily Moo


Click above for the video

Listen to the brave Lily Moo, an Iranian, brought up in the UK, who went to school in Birmingham, at a school with 92% Muslim students, and hear what happened. 

How the Muslim boys are taught that a non-Muslim English girl -- or even one of Iranian heritage like her -- who is not Muslim, who is not covered head to toe in a Burka-sack is "asking for it", how she deserves what she gets. How she's fair game. And how the English authorities go along with this. For fear of being labelled "Islamophobes". Or racist. Or with a desire to be seen as "culturally sensitive". 

The police, the social services, the Councils, the politicians, all let these abused girls down. Instead of arresting the men and boys, they arrested the girls. They charged them with "upsetting the peace", with "false accusations". They demonised these young girls.  They betrayed the real innocents of this horror. Shame. On. Every. One. Of. Them. 

All because... "Diversity is our Strength". Islam is a "Religion of Peace". We must respect all cultures. 

This is vile. Vile, vile, vile, atrocious, horrid and vile. It led the presenter Martin Daubney to tears. 

There are other brave Iranians in the UK, that speak out against Islam and Islamisation. Like Mahyar Tousi who I've followed for years. Definitely worth a follow. Brave man. Again, non-Muslim. 

There are many like them still in Iran. Who would rise up against the Ayatollahs, against this vile religious bigotry of Islam, if only we gave them some support. The only times they asked for support, from Jimmy Carter in the early 1980s and from Barack Obama in 2009, they were rebuffed. 

I hope that changes this year. That people like Lily and Mahyar, in Iran, have the fortitude to rise up yet again, but that this time they're supported by a Trump administration. And Bibi, of course!

Long live the Iranian counter-revolution! Counter the hateful ideology of Islam. 

Lies about Israel #10: "Iran is not a barrier to peace". And the Reality


Cats being cats...


Thursday, 9 January 2025

Muslim Brotherhood radicalises NOLA mass murderer


    1. The mass murder by truck on New Year''s Eve in New Orleans was motivated by the ideology of Islam.
    2. That ideology is spread in the United States by the Muslim Brotherhood, via a multitude of related outfits, the top being the Council on American Islamic Relations, CAIR.
    3. The Muslim Brotherhood operates very much behind the scenes. Its main aim is "eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within" to establish the global Islamic caliphate.
    4. The Muslim Brotherhood invented the term "Islamophobia" to deflect and deter any criticism of the ideology of Islam. 
    5. To counter this supremacist ideology we need to defang the term "islamophobia".

A man named Shamsud-Din Jabbar murdered 14 people in New Orleans on NYE by driving his truck into them. When I saw he was a Muslim, I thought, well... there's the motive then. Islam.

Jumping to conclusions? Stereotyping? 

Sure I am. Like George Clooney as "Ryan" says in his movie Up in the Air: "I'm like my mother. I stereotype. It's faster."

    • Ryan (George Clooney) [to Natalie while watching passengers go through airport security] Never get behind people traveling with infants. I've never seen a stroller collapse in less than 20 minutes. Old people are worse. Their bodies are littered with hidden metal and they never seem to appreciate how little time they have left. Bingo, Asians. They pack light, travel efficiently, and they have a thing for slip on shoes. Gotta love 'em.
    • Natalie: That's racist.
    • RyanI'm like my mother, I stereotype. It's faster. 

So, sure, I stereotype. It's faster

When I heard Jabbar was a pious Muslim, I thought, well, that seals it then. Killing infidels. Killing unbelievers. It's what you gotta do if you're a pious Muslim. 

And when we learned that he was flying an ISIS flag from his pick up truck! Well, that did it. QED. For me, anyway. 

Not for the FBI, though. Their first go at jumping to a conclusion was from the narrative that Islam is a "Religion of Peace" and so this can't be a terrorist incident. As the lead FBI investigator said immediately after the killings: "... it is not a terrorist event..." 

So, I jump to a conclusion by stereotyping and I'm right. As I usually am. FBI jumps to a conclusion derived from a narrative and is wrong. As it usually is. 

Others say Jabbar was in financial straits. Owed his ex-wife piles of alimony. His real estate business was failing. That's why he committed these vile acts. Suicide by cop. But then I recall I was in a similar way back around the mid 1990s, and similar thoughts came to mind. But I pushed them aside, loser thoughts, and selfish. Many others have. Only if you have the Lord above, in the shape of Allah, will you think that killing a lot of infidels will not only solve your own problem, but give you free entry to the virgin-land of Allah's imagination. This is a mass death "event", driven by the ideology of Islam. There you have it. 

Jabbar's trailer-home in Houston TX 

Jabbar has a Koran on the table, open at Surah 9.111, which says:
Allah has indeed purchased from the believers their lives and wealth in exchange for Paradise. They fight in the cause of Allah and kill or are killed. This is a true promise binding on Him in the Torah, the Gospel, and the Quran. And whose promise is truer than Allah’s? So rejoice in the exchange you have made with Him. That is ˹truly˺ the ultimate triumph. [Reference]
You see. If you kill infidels and are killed, you go to heaven, where Allah promises you 72 virgins. If you kill infidels and are not killed yourself... no worries. You're blessed by Allah and have those doe-eyed houris awaiting you whenever you're ready. So it's a good deal either way, dead or alive. As long as you kill non-Muslims. 

One of the "Reflections" recorded at the Surah says this is a "trade" and not a "sacrifice". That is: you trade your life to Allah and in return for your trade, Allah gives you 72 virgins. Personally, I don't see how that is supposed to make it better, but somehow it is. To Muslims, at least, for they all love this Surah. 

On Jabbar's bookshelf I recognise the Hadith of Bukhari, green with gold lettering, same as my copies. The Hadith are second only to the Koran in authority, Bukhari's being the most authoritative. They relate the doings and sayings of Muhammad (whereas the Koran is -- we are told -- the actual, literal word of Allah, passed direct to Muhammed by the Angel Gabriel). The fact that Jabbar was reading both the Koran and the Hadith confirms he was a true and pious believer. 

Worth repeating here that Islam is the only religion in the world that still calls on its believers to kill unbelievers. It says to kill unbelievers "wherever you find them". 

It is a powerful ideology that encourages killing non-Muslims. As Peter Jennings notes

Islamic State and other groups remain a powerful ideological force. They offer a certainty, now and in the eternal life, which some people – many in fact – will kill for.

This is not just in the Middle East. For some in Muslim diaspora communities in the West, and handfuls of non-Muslim individuals who may be willing to adopt an extremist Islamism, this ideology is a powerful force.

The imam at Jabbar's mosque 

Jabbar frequented a mosque near his trailer-home in Houston. The Imam of the mosque, Fahmee Al-Uqdah, is something of a Jew-hater. Nothing unusual there, for any pious Muslim is going to hate Jews.

The Koran hates on Jews. The Hadith even more so. The Jewish tribes in Medina, today's Saudi Arabia, made fun of Muhammad when he came to preach his message. They laughed at him. He never forgave them. Hated them. Fought them. And that goes on to this day. As the Jews are still the kings of stand-up....

The Imam at Jabbar's mosque explains to his flock why Hitler -- a man with a "nice moustache" -- killed Jews. Basically, he says, they brought it on themselves for being too successful. You see. [Later: I saw and read this on the NYP site, but it seems to have been deleted].

The Imam sent a letter out to his congregation after the killings telling them that if the FBI or media wanted any comment, they should refer to CAIR or ISGH. CAIR is the Council on American Islamic Relations and ISGH is a subsidiary of ISNA is the Islamic Society of North America. 

I understand why you'd want to advise folks not to talk to the FBI or media, without some expert help. After all, we say the same. Don't talk to the police without your lawyer present. 

But CAIR and ISNA are both part of the Muslim Brotherhood web in North America. As are the dozens of other Islamic organisations in the United States. The Brotherhood is behind them all. 

This is a worry, for the Brotherhood's aim, since founded in 1928, has been the Islamisation of the whole world. It's set out in an Explanatory Memorandum.
The Ikhwan [Muslim Brothers] must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and "sabotaging" its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God's religion is made victorious over all other religions. [Reference]

All CAIR and no responsibility

In 2008 the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), Islam's peak body in the U.S. and many other Islamic organisations were found to be creatures of the Muslim Brotherhood, both giving and receiving finance for terrorists. This was the conclusion of the "Holy Land Foundation" trials, run by Obama's own Justice Department. 

Nothing has changed since then. There has been no crack down on the activities of any of these Brotherhood-related entities. We have probable gone even softer on them than before, as we see overt Hamas-loving activities at US Universities and cities. Hamas itself being a creating of the Muslim Brotherhood. 

And this despite the fact that the United Arab Emirates named CAIR as a terrorist body in 2014. And that there are more bans against the Muslim Brotherhood in the Islamic world than there are in the west. Which is so scared of being labelled "Islamophobic" for doing so. 
Muslim Brotherhood orgs in the US at 1998
Many more since. From here

No action against the Muslim Brotherhood

Why have we done nothing? In part because of the success of all these MB bodies around the US, which are charged with Public Relations. They have made criticism of Islam a taboo for many by the deployment of the Islamophobe label on anyone who dares to criticise. 

Ayaan Hirsi Ali has been banging on about this for years. She says we should be even more concerned with Dawa than with terrorism. Dawa is the proselytisation of Islam. Spreading Islam by "peaceful" means. Islamisation. 
Ms. Hirsi Ali is not afraid to call these groups out. Her book names five including the Council on American-Islamic Relations, which asserts—and in turn receives in the mainstream media—the status of a moderate Muslim organization. But groups like CAIR, Ms. Hirsi Ali says, “take advantage of the focus on ‘inclusiveness’ by progressive political bodies in democratic societies, and then force these societies to bow to Islamist demands in the name of peaceful coexistence.” [Reference]

Dismantling the word "Islamophobia"

"Islamophobia" is a bogus word. It was invented by the Muslim Brotherhood, specifically to deflect criticism of Islam. It's been wildly successful at that. 

We need to reclaim the word. By reclaim I mean to ditch it. So revile it. To mock it. To refuse to be silenced by it. To tell everyone that it was invented by the ideological fount of supremacist Islam. 

Christopher Hitchens said that the word "Islamophobia" is “a word created by fascists, and used by cowards, to manipulate morons.”

The fascists are the Muslim Brotherhood. The cowards are all those too scared to speak honestly about Islam. And the morons are all those who too readily accept that there is such a thing as a "phobia" when what is being criticised is an ideology. 



"Islamophobia" a term invented by the Muslim Brotherhood. Ex Muslim Brother, Abdur-Rachman Muhammad: "It is a thought-terminating cliche conceived in the bowels of Muslim think tanks for the purpose of beating down critics".

Muslim Brotherhood ties to ISIS and Al-Qaeda Counter Extremism Project

What in the hell is wrong with disliking Islam, the ideology? Ridvan Aydemir, Apostate Prophet

Connect the dots between New Orleans and support for anti-Israel terror Jonathan Tobin, JNS

The aim of Islam in America. [Feb 2013 post] The then Chair of CAIR Omar M. Ahmad says: "... Islam isn't in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant,The Koran, the Muslim book of scripture, should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth..."

The Muslim Brotherhood plan for Dar al-Islam. Brigitte Gabriel

Primitive mail fraud

Lies about Israel #9: Israel is Preventing a Two-State Solution. And the Reality


Wednesday, 8 January 2025

“Your Cart…”

Sent in by an Occasional Reader

We should add to the Cart: "The Gulf of America"...

Some Occasional Readers wonder why Trump is doing all this. Why the seemingly random stuff tossed out there into the web-osphere? 

My  thinking is that it's like the Chaff and Flares that fighter jets throw out to confuse enemy missiles.

The more stuff that's out there, the less the TDS folks can focus and carp about what Trump is actually doing. 

Not that it's all completely nonsensical or purely defensive. 

  • Greenland: Apparently there were earlier attempts to buy Greenland. Denmark said it's not for sale. But everything has a price. Also there appear to be genuine security concerns: Trump has been pushing Denmark to do more to protect the shores of Greenland from greater Chinese intrusions. 
  • The Panama Canal: used to belong to the United States, until, inexplicably, Clown Jimmy Carter gave it away for $US1 to a corrupt Panamanian government, which now colludes with China to overcharge American Panamax vessels. And apparently the canal is in bad shape. 
  • Canada is another thing. Making it a 51st state of the U.S. was probably Trump trolling PM  Justin Trudeau when he came to Mar-a-Lago to kiss the ring. In which case, done deal, as Trudeau resigned yesterday, right after that disastrous visit.
The latest to addition to Trump's "Shopping Cart": renaming the Gulf of Mexico as the "Gulf of America". This is a long-term play. And why not? Better name is it not? More accurate. 

"Lucky stiff..."


Canberra 8 January 2012


Impact of Trudeau, his legacy. Bid for Tik Tok | Kevin O’Leary

Kevin O’Leary has been a brutally truthful commenter on political affairs as long as I’ve followed him.

Lots of truth bombs in his analysis of Justin Trudeau’s resignation. And the part played by his classmate, Gerald Butts, who became his PPS, in the ruination in Canada.  

Later Kevin talks about his bid for the purchase of Tik Tok. Apparently the only viable bid in the ring. 

Lies about Israel #8: Israel's Illegal Settlements in the West Bank Are aa Barrier to Peace". And the Reality


Tuesday, 7 January 2025

Candace Owens: “I am DISGUSTED with myself.” Oren Cahanovitc: “You should be!”

Click above for the video
Above the reliable Oren Cahanovitc in Israel has his say. 

In recent years anti-semitism has been mostly on the Left. Look at the College campuses across the United States with all their pro-Hamas demos and sit-ins. And the regular demonstrations across the western world, all from the Left and all anti-Israel, pro-Hamas. 

Candace Owens now brings us the newly reviving anti-semitism from the Right. 

She has a horrid take on Israel and Jews now. Quite unbalanced. 

I posted a critique of her by her long-time colleague Dennis Prager. She's been got at by Social Media and Far-Left media in Israel (Haaretz ffs) as she admits herself. Kinda crazy. And kinda surprising the lack of self-awareness of how silly that sounds. 

Lies about Israel #7: "Israel Engages Illegal Occupation of Palestinian Territory". And the Reality