Saturday 4 August 2018

Harry's Place » Michael White on antisemitism and Islamophobia

The above screenshot from the comments (BTL) which in Harry's Place ( aren't kept forever. 
I find nothing to quibble about in mirax's comment. Spot on. 
By the way, Harry's Place is not at all an "Islamophobic" site. It's a place for considered  debate. Pro-Israel to be sure, but not without criticism of Israel, criticism which can be trenchant indeed.  
The site has no time for anti-Muslim bigotry (the preferred and more correct term, rather than "Islamophobia", a term invented by Muslim Brotherhood operatives, to shut down debate of Islam the ideology). 
The above comment by mirax was in response to the question: if there's so much criticism of anti-semitism in the Labour Party, how come there's none of "Islamophobia" in the Conservative Party? 
Well, apart from that being classic  tu quoque argument, and apart from the bogus term "Islamophobia", there's mirax's points above. Which seem to me patently  obvious. But not, apparently, to many. Who won't get this either, I guess. 