Sunday 19 August 2018

Yonden Lhatoo: “but-brigade” member AND 9/11 Truther....

Congratulations SCMP, you now have a certified 9/11 Truther on your staff! ("Ban Donald Trump from Twitter before Alex Jones", Yonden Lhatoo, August 19)
Lhatoo closes with this gem: 
 I'm not fully writing off his 9/11 conspiracy theories about a government cover-up. You never know.
Actually, we absolutely do know who brought down the towers.  Unless you are a certified conspiracy theorist (aka "loony").  Why stop there, Yonden? What of the moon landings?  Surely they were fake too?  You never know!
Seriously, Mr Lhatoo needs to get a grip. Otherwise we readers are going to have major concerns about your chief news editor.
Lhatoo's brush with conspiracy comes after arguing that Trump ought be banned from Twitter.  That makes him a bona-fide member of Salman Rushdie's "but brigade". Freedom of speech is sacrosanct—but—it must be constrained in the interests of social harmony or to avoid "hate speech".
Indian-Canadian economist Vivek Dehejia says:
Such arguments are insidious, place us on a slippery slope toward an intellectually deadened, politically correct world of self-censorship, and must be opposed in the strongest possible terms by true liberals, for whom freedom of expression is not only one of the most fundamental of all civil liberties, but linchpin of the many others which require, at root, the unfettered commerce of ideas and opinions.
Yours, etc...