Friday 10 July 2020

BLM should be Cancelled

I’m talking of the organisation,, of BLM in Caps. I’m not talking of the lower-case blm, the understanding, the acceptance, the strong belief that — of course! —  black lives matter.
The reason to cancel upper case BLM? Because it’s a Revolutionary Marxist organisation bent on overturning the state.
The three co-founders of BLM — Patrisse Khan-Cullors, Alicia Garza and Opal Tometi — are self-described revolutionary Marxists who have a “deep understanding of Marxist theory”. Which theory includes choosing a target, freezing it and demonising it. Hence their target of police killing of black people. For who could not be against that?  And so people are enjoined, they proclaim “black lives matter” (lower-case) and are escorted into the agenda of the BLM, the upper-case Marxist outfit.
Alicia Garza says she is influenced by Assata Shakur, a Cuban-exiled Black Liberation revolutionary wanted on multiple murder charges in the US. /Snip:
When I use Assata’s powerful demand in my organizing work, I always begin by sharing where it comes from, sharing about Assata’s significance to the Black Liberation Movement, what it’s political purpose and message is, and why it’s important in our context.
The aims of BLM, from their website and writings of the co-founders:
  • Overthrow the market economy
  • Abolish the nuclear family
  • Abolish the police
Enough there for cancelling? If not cancelling — too far a bridge? — then surely, at least, enough to give up our current fawning, our “taking a knee” for the upper-case organisation? Or is it too hard to make the distinction between the upper-case BLM and the lower-case black lives mattering? Because people might mistake your scruples for failure to acknowledge that, lower-case, black lives matter? That you might be labelled racist?

While America and others are busily shutting down China’s Confucius Institutes, teaching mainly Chinese language and culture*,  because they “challenge western values”, isn’t BLM, the upper-case, home-grown Revolutionary Marxist outfit, a much more dangerous organisation?  Isn’t BLM a much greater and more present danger to western values?
Given the aims above, of course it is.
China’s Confucius Institutes sounded like a pretty good idea to me. Teaching Chinese language and culture. Great. And I’m a bit of a fan of Confucius. I’ve read his Analects in the original (论语). Many of his teachings are relevant through the ages. But I wasn’t surprised, especially after the ascent of Xi Jinping in 2012, to read credible reports that the Institutes were (sometimes) funnelling money and influence to try to ban western university studies of issues Beijing didn’t approve of.