Tuesday, 28 July 2020

Coleman Hughes, refuting the “epidemic” of police killing African Americans

I wrote about this before. Coleman also refers, as I did, to Roland Freyer, the Harvard professor whose stats show this: namely that white suspects are killed at a greater rate than black suspects, when controlled for the number of interactions. 
For folks that say “African Americans are only 13% of the population but 35% of police killings” just remember this: men are 95% of prisoners. That’s not because of misandry. It’s because men commit more crimes. Similarly in the cop situation, they interact with African American men more than others because that’s where they get the 911 calls from.
Still, I know. It’s not about the data. It’s about the narrative. And the feeling....
Thus, BLM, the movement focussed in police killings, cares nought for the data.
And Coleman finishes off on the data issues. He’s “playing a different game”: