Sunday 5 July 2020

Coronavirus: is it the Spanish Flu after all?

The Spanish flu didn’t originate in Spain. It was just that the Great War was raging and most countries censored news of the deadly new disease. Only Spain announced it, hence the name. Bad luck, bad timing.
Could it be the same for the virus causing Covid-19?
Researchers have found the virus in Brazil back to last November and in Spain back to March last year. March 2019! Nine months before it appeared in Wuhan. Maybe it was just China’s bad luck that it took off there, even if it may not have originated there.
Researchers in Brazil say they have detected the coronavirus that causes Covid-19 in sewage sampled in November.The conclusion comes days after scientists in Spain found the virus in waste water samples collected in March 2019, and adds to suggestions that the virus spread quietly before the alarm was first raised in China in late December.“[The virus] was being shed within the community for several months prior to the first cases being reported by regional, national or Pan-American authorities,” Gislaine Fongaro, from the Federal University of Santa Catarina, said in a non-peer-review paper posted on the preprint server on Monday.Fongaro’s study was based on samples collected from the waste water network in Florianopolis, a beach town in southern Brazil. [Link]
Meantime, a report from the WHO itself that makes it look pretty bad: that the news of the breakout in Wuhan didn’t come from the Chinese, but from WHO staff in Beijing.  Well… makes China look bad and makes the WHO look complicit.