Monday 27 July 2020

Can we stop a civil war in the US?

In the clip above (17:20 -- 20:00), ex Evergreen U professor Bret Weinstein talks about why some solutions on the Left just don’t work. Like Communism, which, via the "Group Selection Fallacy", leads to authoritarianism. People can see that “from each according to their ability, to each according to their needs”, means they’ll do much better outside the system. So you have to be authoritarian to stop people going outside the system. In the interests of the masses, of course. Indeed, I saw this with my own eyes in China of the seventies. And I saw the opposite: what allowing people to go outside the system — using market forces — does for the vast masses. Even if some get left behind, for which we ought mitigate, not tear down a system. Which is the civil war that calls in the Left are leading — “dismantle the system” is a common slogan. In addition to “defund the police”.
Bret and his interviewers are all of the Left. In Bret’s case he calls himself a revolutionary, a Bernie supporter. And Francis Foster is a solid leftie. The thing that will get others on the Left in knots is that they criticise some of the crazy stuff that’s going on at the moment. Calls not for reform,  but foe “dismantling”.
To watch the whole interview: click on “YouTube” in the bottom right.