Monday 21 September 2020

Covid Cops in Melbourne


Mounted police charge anti lockdown protesters in Melbourne
Not a good look! In today’s South China Morning Post 

Not a good look. Hold a BLM protest in Melbourne and you’re good to go (and reliably excused). Hold a protest against severe lockdowns and you’re charged by mounted police and arrested. And that’s as there is increasing evidence that lockdowns do not reduce overall deaths. They just spread them out. We ought to have followed Sweden, not New York and not, heaven help us, the UK and the debunked Neil Ferguson Imperial College models, that still hypnotise Boris & co.

ADDED: The print version but not the online, has the following quote by Victoria Police: “The behaviour of these selfish few who choose to blatantly ignore the directions will not be tolerated”, which strikes me as ugly and intolerant. Who is to say the “selfish few” are not educated and knowledgeable about the virus, and are “following the science”, that lockdowns are counterproductive?

Picnic in the Park, Policed