Monday 28 February 2022

Little Boxes on the Island … | aka “Omicron delivers Lambda”


Article here
Little boxes made of ticky-tacky…”

As still no mention of anywhere else in the world. Where in all places that don’t pursue Zero Covid policies, cases have plunged. All in the space of a month to six weeks. No matter highly vaxxed (UK) or very low vaxxed (Uganda, South Africa).  Or Sweden which never had full lockdowns and never closed a school. Like ticky-tacky boxes, all same-same. Why should Hong Kong be any different, now we have uncontrolled (because uncontrollable) case numbers.

These ticky-tacky boxes won’t be needed, real soon. 

Below the fold, a selection of charts, from Worldometer:
Sweden: never had a lockdown
U.K. : high vax rates 
Uganda: onky 5% vaxxed

South Africa: where Omicron began. Low vax rates 
Australia: Poster-child of Zero Covid, until Omicron 

I call these the “Lambda curves” as in the Greek letter Λ
Thus: Omicron delivers Lambda.