Friday 18 February 2022

Kamala: WTF??

Above: the US State Department Twitter account in Farsi. Translation:
"Here's the truth: Racism exists in America. Xenophobia exists in America. Anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, it all exists. The work to address injustice wherever it exists remains the work ahead."
You can say this stuff internally. As the Dems do all the time. Banging on about how horrid America is. 

But you don’t go telling your avowed enemies this. Not in their language. This was sent out in Farsi! To Iran. With whom you’re in tough contention. Which is a proper, real, serious, enemy. WTF, Kamala?!

At first I thought this was a fake, a hoax. But no, it’s official. She said it, as the Department of State Twitter account confirms, and then they, State and Vice President, send it out on their Farsi account. 

To Twitter mockery from Iranian accounts saying “you’re doing our work for us”! They can’t believe their luck. I guess Kamala and State thought they might gain some brownie points, being “honest” about shortcomings. Wrong, Kamala. Wrong State. 

They are laughing at you.  What you’ve said confirms in their minds, that you’re weak. And they’d be right. When they take this together with what your boss did in Afghanistan. You’re weak. But it’s a self-chosen weakness. 

Well done Kamal. Well done State. Not.

ADDED: all this just confirms the comment in the post immediately before this. That America is “convulsed with self-hate”.

ADDED: Charles Cooke asks “Kamala what are you doing?"