Monday 21 February 2022

"The virus itself is a type of vaccine... and it's done a better job of getting out to the world than we have with vaccines" | Bill Gates at Munich Security Conference

Bill Gates: "... the virus itself is a type of vaccine that creates both B cell and T cell immunity and it's done a better job of getting out to the world than we have with vaccines."

"Serosurveys of Africa show 80% plus positive so the chance of severe disease is dramatically reduced because of the infection exposure."

The Twitter of this is here

John Campbell asks why Gates says "Sadly" at the beginning of the sentence above which I elided.... Indeed, "why"? I think maybe what he didn't say is that it's a pity that vaccines didn't get out earlier. The main point remains: the Omicron is very effective at providing immunity and protection. This is borne out by CDC figures we've previously posted. You're as protected if you've had the vaccine or the virus. Having had the virus provides longer-lasting protection than the vaccine.

If you look at African countries, the pattern of cases and deaths is the same everywhere. Like Uganda as an example. Only 5% fully vaxxed, but the spike up and spike down in both cases and deaths. You can look at the charts for all African countries here.