Tuesday 15 February 2022

Bill Maher and Guests Praise Trucker Convoy as Peaceful ‘Free Expression,’ Blast Trudeau for Sounding ‘Like Hitler

Click screenshot for the video
Trudeau actually did say that the truckers were “marginal people” that they ought not be “tolerated” and they had “unacceptable thoughts”. Shocking stuff.

And most of the media goes along with that. The truckers are rubes, fascists, deplorable. I don’t think their campaign is any more just about vaccine mandates. I never quite understood why people wouldn’t want to get vaccinated. But to try to force the vaccine hesitant to jab will only get people’s backs up. If we didn’t know that before, we most certainly do now and have done for a while now. Even Novax Novac was not against vaccines, but has now dug his heels in by them -- the tennis hierarchy -- trying to force him.

About this issue of “elites”. I’m the perfect “elite”. As is my family, all of us. Well educated and well fed. Easily able to weather the lockdowns. But me, now, I don’t feel bound to the elite. I don’t feel I share their passions and concerns. I identify more with the working class and the truckers. I want to know why they’re upset. And it’s not just vaccine mandates. As Vivek Ramaswamy explains. We need beware the new “managerial class”, they’re the ones in power. Even if for my family it’s easy -- would be easier -- to just go along with that managerial class, the cosmopolitan elites. For to do so is safe. Not to do so, you get labelled all the labels: racist, bigot, xenophobe. 

Bill Maher is a man of the left -- as are his guests -- and they’re getting it. They’re upset that the managerial class, aka the elite, are ignoring the concerns of the working class. And amongst those elites, the poster boy, the poster child of Fidel Castro, is one Justin Trudeau.

ADDED: Matt Taibbi: The Great International Convoy Fiasco

The article covering the vid above:

The topic of the “Freedom Convoy” was handled somewhat differently on HBO’s Real Time Friday night than it has been by some other media outlets, with host Bill Maherand guests defending the protest as an expression of Democratic freedoms and urging leaders to “listen” to the protesters’ concerns.

Maher’s guests for the segment were author and former Biotech CEO Vivek Ramaswamy, and author and former Democratic presidential candidate Marianne Williamson, both of whom shared their support of peaceful protest, which phrase they emphasized includes the trucker convoy.

Maher began the segment by saying that, although at first he wasn’t too interested because it seemed like a “small group of people” and that it was only about specific vaccine mandates, it has since become more. He said the whole world is “looking at Canada,” and as the protest has grown it has become clear that “this is about something more than just the vaccine mandate.”

“It’s becoming a big thing. It’s happening all over the world now. They think it might happen here in Washington on Super Bowl Sunday,” said Maher. “Do you agree it’s about something more? And if so, what?”

Ramaswamy answered first, saying that it is about something more, calling it an “uprising” that reaches the whole of the democratic world.

“If you think this is about vaccine mandates or about white supremacy. You’re missing the point, he said. “And this isn’t a left or right issue. This is about an uprising of everyday citizens in democracies around the world.”

He said people are “rising against the biggest threat to actual democracy,” which he described as bureaucrats “crushing the will of everyday people.” He said the same class of people are also on corporate boards, head universities, and fill diplomatic posts. 

“These are the unelected class of leaders that ultimately, I think, are using their bureaucratic power to supplant the will of everyday not only Americans, but Canadians and Western Europeans, too,” he said.

“That’s why we’re seeing a fusion of both the left and the right here, saying that actually, we want our voices heard. We want to be able to speak without fear of putting food on the dinner table,” he continued. “And you know what? The beautiful thing about a democracy is that so far, thank God, this has been a peaceful set of protests. I hope it stays that way. That’s part of the messiness of democracy. That’s part of what makes it beautiful.”