Wednesday 1 March 2023

“Millennials of the world are just not that into war” | SCMP

Click above for the article
My comment at the site, re the Letter from Jose Alvarez:

Jose Alvarez: (1) Why are you a "proud" Millennial? Because you were born between 1986 and 1996? What's there to be "proud" in that? I'm a Baby Boomer. I'm not "proud" of that. It's just a fact. A thing that happened to me.
(2) How do you come to speak "on behalf":of all Millennials? Certainly not my son, also a Millennial. Please don't be so arrogant as to assume you speak for a whole generation!
(3) "Conflict is … appalling to us". News flash, Jose: conflict is appalling to *all* of us. But what do you do if someone invades your country? How do you then administer "some punishment" as you suggest? How, if not to fight back? 
(4) I get it, you're a pacifist. So was Einstein, until Hitler. Think it through. These ideas, idealistic perhaps, are nonetheless garbled and naive.