Saturday 3 August 2024

"A lifesaving prisoner swap with the worst incentives” | Ben Domenech

So much happening in the world, it’s easy to miss the news that the Biden administration, and specifically Joe Biden, did a swap of prisoners with Russia,which is something they always said they would not do. 

US: “We will not negotiate with terrorists”. 

LATER: We negotiate with terrorists. 

And negotiating with terrorists will always lead to more people being grabbed by terrorists. 

As even the author of "A lifesaving prisoner swap with the worst incentives” says about Vladimir Kaza-Murza who is a close friend of his family. 

We are grateful that Vladimir is headed home. Yet as much as this is a victory for humanity, it is also a reminder that what used to be the practice of squalid terror groups in Middle Eastern byways is now official policy for Great Powers. They do it because it works, and it works because America is weak. As O’Brien told the Wall Street Journal recently:

“On the big cases, I think the Biden administration may have unintentionally created a market for future hostage-taking,” says [O’Brien], a predecessor of Carstens during the Trump administration. “You save a current hostage with a big monetary concession or by releasing an arms merchant but you transfer the misery to the next hostage that’s taken.” Read on...

ADDED: not only that, but the Biden administration, such as remains of it, just did a deal with the remaining terrorists of the 9/11 attack.  “The long-dreaded 9/11 plea deal...”. Whereby they avoid justice. 

It seems good ol’ Uncle Joe is taking out the dirty laundry and tossing it in the skip. So it can’t dirty Kamala.