Friday 2 August 2024

“Men do not belong in women’s sports” | Andrew Doyle

The IOC really is pathetic. They did nothing to stop the inanities included in the Paris opening ceremony, even though they were in clear breach of their own Mission Statement. 

Main media said it was only “Christian Conservatives” who got upset at the Last Supper mocked by Drag Queens and Queers. But it wasn’t. There were plenty of libertarian atheists, like me, concerned. Like about the hypocrisy: they wouldn’t have dared do the same to any Islamic belief, let alone a core belief, as the Last Supper is to Christians. The IOC could have, should have said, no, that’s against articles 5,6, and 11 of our Mission Statement. Pull back. 

The IOC are even more craven over the issue of men in women’s sports. Men, that is, who say they are women. What the IOC have done is to leave the issue of whether trans-women should be allowed to compete in a women’s sport up to each individual International Federation. So you get a Paris Olympics where trans-women can’t compete in women’s swimming, or track, but can compete in women’s weight lifting and boxing ((!). 

The Trans Radical Activist put it as an issue of fairness. But there’s no win-win here. Trans-women in women’s sports gain at the expense of women (or “cis women”, if you must). One wins, the other loses. Given that women are 99+% and trans women are under 1% of the population, allowing trans-women in women’s sports is favouring the 1% at the expense of the 99%. 

No-one is saying trans women cannot compete in sports. Just that they must compete in the category which matches their chromosomes. If you’re XY, you must be in the men’s category. Simple. End of. 

Andrew Doyle, himself a gay-rights activist, goes over the issue, yet again, in “Men do not belong in women’s sports”: 

When will this utter lunacy end? When will female athletes be able to return to what they do best and not have to waste so much time stating the obvious? Men do not belong in women’s sports, and it is a deranging and bizarre state of affairs that this even has to be said. Culture secretary Lisa Nandy has recently stated that she intends to allow individual sporting authorities to make their own decisions on this matter. But this simply isn’t good enough, as many of them are too ideologically captured to be trusted.

William Hazlitt put it best: “Facts, concrete existences, are stubborn things, and are not so soon tampered with or turned about to any point we please, as mere names and abstractions”. So many sporting authorities seem determined to pretend that biology is not a factor when it comes to competition, and that “gender identity” is more important than the size and shape and strength of human bodies. This is an absurd proposition, and surely they will soon realise that they are on a direct collision course with the brick wall of reality.