Friday 16 August 2024

American exceptionalism ➡️ American Defeatism


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American exceptionalism ➡️ American Defeatism”:

This move all started, I believe, with Barack Obama and his policy to “lead from behind”. He did actually say that! “I want to lead from behind”. Then gave us his notoriously bad “Cairo Speech”, his first go at appeasing the Muslim World.

Part of which was to ally with the Shia State of Iran, against U.S. allies, the Sunni State of Saudi Arabia, and Israel. Which led to the JCPOA with Iran. More cash for the black-turbaned mullahs. More funding for terrorism. More money for nukes.

The opposite was the Trump policy, as described by Caroline Glick, to empower allies to defend themselves. They’re “always there” on the ground. They care very much to defend themselves. And which led to the Abraham Accords, the greatest move to peace in the Middle East since 1948.

By contrast the Biden-Harris doctrine is try to maintain a “peace” by restraining allies, appeasing enemies. Simplistic and reductionist: but true. Look at the policy to Iran. Trump starved the mullahs of money for terrorism; Biden opened the spigot of cash to fund the “Three H’s”:: Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis. 

Israel should not be restrained from pre-emptive attack on Hezbollah rocket bases in S. Lebanon. But they are, by this incompetent, pusillanimous Harris-Biden government. The reason Israel won wars like the 1967 one is that they carried out pre-emptive strikes. Which are allowed in International law. But they’re being restrained by zombie Joe. Because of the Hamas faction of the Dem party, and the need to win Minnesota and Wisconsin, the “two-state solution”.  Heh.... With “allies” like these, who needs enemies, right?!

Glick argues that under Harris it’ll get worse. Worse for American allies like Israel. But Better for its enemies like Iran. I agree.

The current “negotiations” for a “ceasefire” are a joke when all the pressure is put on Israel and none of the pressure is put on the terrorist group that started the war, with a massacre, and is keeping hostages. Hamas doesn’t even bother to turn up for the “negotiations”, such is its distain for them and belief that it’ll get even more from Harris-Biden, without giving a single inch. 

A “ceasefire” where Israel gets only 30 or the remaining 115 hostages, has to pay by releasing 10 imprisoned murderers for every one hostage and has to withdraw from Gaza while on the verge of victory?? And… AND… Hamas is demanding Israel withdraw from the Golan Heights and hand them to Hamas!! If you’ve ever been there (I have) you know immediately that Israel cannot, ever, give up the Heights. This “ceasefire” is a sick joke from this administration. It’s being pushed because of Democrat domestic politics. They need a swing state, Michigan, that has lots of very active Hamas supporters. 

Video intro:
The White House is pressuring Israel to throw in the towel, but will Bibi give in to the unprecedented pressure? While it may seem as if America is trying to protect Israel from an attack, the truth is that the Biden administration is also containing Israel and preventing a victory. This is in direct contradiction to Trump’s successful policy in the region. We’ll discuss all this and more on today’s Caroline Glick In Focus episode.