Monday 12 August 2024

“Two-Tier Keir” | Ayaan Hirsi Ali

Blood in Britain's Streets. By Ayaan Hirsi Ali

I’ve followed Hirsi Ali for many years. Somali-born, forced into marriage with a much older man who abused her, forced to have FGM, she managed to escape, to Holland, team up with filmmaker Theo Van Gough (grand-nephew, iirc, of the painter) to make the movie “Fitna” about the mistreatment of women in Islam, which subject she knew from first hand experience. Theo was murdered by an Islamist nutter for his “blasphemy”. The murderer pinned a note to Theo’s body, with his knife. It said “To Ayaan: you’re next”. Ayaan fled to the U.K., then to the U.S. 
She married the famous popular historian Niall Ferguson along the way. And converted from atheism to Christianity.
She is a powerful, scrupulous, brave direct woman. From her blog, in response to the chaos unfolding in Britain:


It should go without saying that all violent disorder which endangers lives and destroys property is unacceptable. There is no excuse that justifies riots, attacks on citizens, property damage and arson. This red line applies to all individuals or groups on the political spectrum from far right to far left and just as much to all ethnic and religious minorities regardless of their numbers or social status. It tears at the social fabric and destroys the trust which is necessary for common flourishing. Unfortunately, the British Prime Minister, Sir Keir Starmer did not say this in his statement on the developments.

The Prime Minister decided instead to single out what he calls "far-right" and made a point of stressing the need to keep Muslims and minority communities safe. 

Some comments from Me 

Mass immigration 

This is a concern across the western world. By polling 70-90% of people in Europe, the UK, the U.S., say they want a limit to mass immigration, and especially illegal mass migration. The elites — politicians and the media — have ignored or mocked them. France voted to limit mass immigration, but instead, through Macron’s manipulations they ended up with communism. Britons wanted limits on mass immigration and got a Left-wing pro-more immigration Labour Party of Sir Keir Starmer.
Here’s a thought: it’s not so much mass immigration that’s the problem as the type of it. I don’t think Brits would be nearly so concerned if the immigration was from the Far East — China, Korea, Japan, Vietnam— or from Hindu India or Christian Bangladesh. Or from Nigerian atheists. Or Zoroastrian Iranians. Or pantheist Poles. 
But a lot of it — perhaps even most of it — is from Islamic countries. Large chunks of Muslim immigrants,  y all our experience and polling, don’t share many or any of western values. The ideology of Islam despises other religions and non-religious. It is homophobic, misogynist, sectarian, militarist, supremacist, and has been so since its founding by the warlord Muhammad. 
How can locals warm to immigrants who have bombed their buses, killed their young festival goers, knifed their veterans, decapitated their politicians? Seriously, how?

Big Brother Starmer

The British PM, Sir Keir Starmer, instead of taking these widespread concerns into account, not only ignores them, but threatens the messengers. His government just said: “Think before you post”.
Imagine that! Be careful what you say. Sir Keir has 3,000 stormtroopers combing the internet for “hate speech”. Basic ally anything Sir Keir doesn’t like. 
They’re threatening to arrest the famous best-selling author Douglas Murray, FFS!
Steven Edginton, the smart young investigative journalist, was nearly arrested. His crime? He reported in the failures and unpopularity of DEI policies in the British armed forces.  
And in the meantime Tulsi Gabbard over in the USA, has been put on a “Terror Watch List”!

Free Speech and our basic rights as citizens are being throttled and it’s not from the Right. In all cases it’s the Left parties that are going after their opponents with lawfare, lowfare and unfairfare.


The question is then: “why do politicians across the western world ignore the will of the majority of their people? Why?”
I don’t get it. And neither does the media, because they don’t ask the question. To them it’s self evident that more immigration is A Good Thing. If you question it’s you who’s the bigot.
I blame John Lennon. At least partly. Listen to the lyrics of “Imagine”: 
Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion, too
Yes, it is easy to imagine it. In a perfect world, no borders, we travel where we want when we want, no countries: no passport needed. The freedom of mankind. As an atheist for nearly 70 years (!) I’d love to imagine “no religion too”.
But of course that’s not how the world works. Which fact is a stubborn thing. 
Religion is stronger than ever. The Fundamentalist religious are more numerous than ever. Big chunks of humanity believe in supernatural deities who tell them to hate those who don’t believe as they do, that women are worth only half a man, that minorities should be subdued and battled. That blasphemers and apostates must be killed. When big chunks of those big chunks come to the west their confident supremacist values overcome our own flaccid “tolerant” values— as we see from our own actual, real, in-front-of-our-eyes experience. But Starmer, Macron, Harris-Biden, Albanese (Australia) do not want to — will not — face that fact. 
And the world, humankind, is worse for it. A net decrease in civilisation, net increase in barbarism.