Friday, 3 January 2025

The Muslim Brotherhood is everywhere. Even Inspiring the New Orleans mass killer

Click above for the Glick
The talk by Caroline Glick above, is mainly a reminder for me to do something on the Muslim Brotherhood and its connections with Jihad, Islamisation and terrorism everywhere around the world. Including right there in that horrific pick-up truck that killed at least 15 New Years Eve revellers. 

I went back over my blog and find that I've written quite a bit about the Brotherhood going back to at least 2010, no less than fifteen years ago. Goodness. 

For now, this brief post is just a placeholder, though I probably shouldn't be so dismissive of the wonderful Caroline, who always has interesting views on all matters middle east and islamic. 

The portrait of Dorian Gray and his dog


Thursday, 2 January 2025

Happy New Year, from the "Religion of Peace"

Click above for the video
James McPherson, not a man I've followed, particularly, but a guy who gets it and is not afraid to say so, in the video above.  

I was thinking about the New Orleans NYE truck massacre by an Islamist, and the FBI reaction -- which was to say "it's not a terrorist incident" -- and wondering what on earth do we do?? We in the west. Who care about an open and tolerant society. Which is clearly being undermined by an imported ideology. Which cares not one whit about our tolerance. 

What do we do? 

When the people in charge of our security refuse to face the challenge of radical islam. As the FBI have done above. And as our own pusillanimous government, led by the pathetic Anthony Alabanese, refuse to do so. Or, worse, ignore it for political gain. 

James McPherson pretty much says it all in the video above, IMO. I like, support and agree with all he says. As a start, we have to ignore and mock the use of the word "Islamophobia". Criticism of a supremacist, sectarian, homophobic, misogynist, jew-hating ideology, is not a "phobia". It's rational. Everytime someone says you're an "Islamophobe", say "I'm an Islmorationalist".

Let's remember that the term "Islamophobia" was invented by the Muslim Brotherhood to deflect valid criiques of the ideology. They were very successful in that. We have to blunt it. Ignore it. Mock it. Reveal its origins. Refuse to be cowed by the term, in the task of criticising a horrid ideology.

The rest flows from that. We don't want in our tolerant society those who want to destroy our tolerance. To their views. No, no, and no again. 

A “strangely unfulfilled” Flamingo


Lies about Israel #5: “Israel is Guilty of Genocide and War Crimes”. And the Reality


Wednesday, 1 January 2025

“That’s close enough, fella”


May we all have glimpses of perfection in our lives...
Annnnnd... that's a wrap. Another year. Another quarter century. It was just yesterday, wasn't it, that we were down in the DB Plaza, on the night of 1999, turning to 2000, worrying about the Y2K bug, sipping warm toddies, with the temperature, here in Hong Kong, down to 4 degrees C. For us, a freeze.

And here we are. 25 years later. Still here, at least. Some of us. Maybe most of us. 

Happy New Year to all Occasional Readers. And even to those who don't bother reading. 

Wishing all and sundry the very best for the beginning of the Second Quarter of the 21st Century!

Lies about Israel #4 "Israel is an apartheid state". And its refutation

From "The 10 Big Anti-Israel Lies" by Alan Dershowitz