Saturday 26 August 2023

“Carmakers must steel themselves to address carbon emissions in supply chains” | Wenjie Liu, SCMP

Couple of things here: 
  • (1) BEVs use more aluminium than steel, compared with ICE vehicles. Aluminium uses even more electricity to make than steel. Green or not depends on how the electricity is generated. 
  • (2) Making steel via electric arc furnace is still difficult and expensive. 
  • (3) writer ignores all the other rare and difficult-to-mine products in BEVs and their batteries, like cobalt, nickel, copper, lithium etc. 
  • (4) Today BEVs don't become "carbon neutral" vs an ICE car until about 70,000 miles driven (VW and Volvo studies). 
Greenprace should stay out of this climate debate, given they scared the world away from safe, clean and reliable nuclear power the 1960s. That act alone has measurably increased CO2 emissions globally. We are better off without GreenPeace.