Sunday 20 August 2023

“Hong Kong freedoms continued to erode in 2022, despite promises, EU says” | Reuters

Yes there were freedom erosions after the National Security Law of 2020. 

Which was brought in reponse to demands by radical firebrands for "Hong Kong independence". Independence was never on the cards and Beijing was always going to react sharply. 

The only evidence Reuters gives for the alleged "continued" erosion is the on going arrests of 2019 independence-pushing rioters. Who now number in the hundreds.

Hong Kong continues to enjoy a large degree of freedom — our "Seven Freedoms”. 

It's also very tempting indeed to compare the jailing of perhaps hundreds of pro-independence protesters in Hong Kong with the US jailing of thousands of "secessionists" protesters from the January 6, 2021 demos/riots. Where they are now seeking 30 year sentences! Nothing like that length here in allegedly repressed Hong Kong. 
I mean, it is an equivalence isn't it? One for "independence" one for "secession”. And on that equivalence, the US is doing worse than Hong Kong. 

I say phoooey to Reuters.