Thursday 17 August 2023

Red states outperform Blue states | Bureau of Economic Analysis

I forgot to post this when it came out last month. “The states in America where incomes grow faster”. 

Basically simple story: in the United States Red states (run by Republican governors) do better economically than Blue states (the Dems).

They have lower taxes, faster employment growth, more high-tech and more people moving in than out. 

You’d think that might affect voting. But it won’t. Think of what happens at city levels. Progressive DAs, soft in crime and punishment, have overseen marked increases in crime of all sorts. People flee cities like San Francisco and Portland. Yet the remaining folks continue to vote Democrat. 

Or think what’s going on in New York with all the illegal immigrants arriving in this “Sanctuary City”. Democrat mayor Eric Adams has said they can’t put up with it. Yet will this lead to any reconsideration of the open borders policy? People think it unlikely. 

Pres­i­dent Biden will never ad­mit it, but he has Re­pub­li­can-led states to thank for the re­silient U.S. econ­omy and la­bor mar­ket. Wit-ness how an earn­ings surge in right-lean­ing states is help­ing com-pen­sate for slug­gish growth in pro­gres­sive ones.