Wednesday, 19 March 2025

"Alan Dershowitz Sends Chilling Warning To The Jewish Nation" | Yishai Fleisher


Click above for the video
Yishai Fleisher gives Dersh a bit of a roast at the end because he apparently was a supporter of the Two State Solution. And the concept of "Land for Peace". Which I heard numerous times from well-meaning Israelis when we visited in 2017. And which I'd been told my whole life was the only solution to the Middle East Crisis. 

No longer am I supporting the 2SS. No longer does Alan Dershowitz... so I'm in good company. The 2SS is only for fools and politicians who are seeking a comfortable delusion. 

I left the following comment at the site of the vid above: 
I don’t recall that Dershowitz was pushing 2SS, land give aways, etc. But you gotta give it to him that today he’s a Lion.
Myself, I’m an atheist goyim, but proud Zionist, philo-Semite, love Israel. For all my 75 years I’ve been told the 2SS was the goal and I believed it. Only post 10/7 have I come to understand it’s not possible, or even desirable. That the “Palestinians” themselves don’t want it.
Go easy on Alan, Yishai!

By the way, for some time now all the donations I make are to Israel and jewish causes. I take Alan's advice and do even more. Though I'm a goyim atheist. But a proud Zionist one, a philo-semite of the fist order. Lover of Israel. Supporter of freedom and democracy and women's rights and the rights of minorities. And hater of the barbarians, the Hamas's of this world. The true Nazis, who share Hitler's horrid vision to destroy every jew.