Friday 22 March 2019

Congress’s Mean Girls Are Trump’s Offspring - The Wall Street Journal.

AOC and Ilhan Omar: socialist antisemites 
Peggy Noonan, my near-twin, on happenings in the DemParty. Talks of China's Cultural Revolution which certainly brings back memories for me, as I was in China in its final years and was subject myself to a kind of "struggle session". It's an apt analogy.
Read­ers know how I feel about the cur­rent po­lit­i­cal at­mosphere. I de­cry the air of ac­cu­sation on so­cial me­dia and in our broader po­lit­i­cal life, and the spirit of the strug­gle ses­sions of the Chi­nese Cul­tural Rev­o­lu­tion. Last week­end there was the video of a preg­nant Chelsea Clin­ton be­ing accosted by an New York Uni­ver­sity stu­dent who screamed at her and waved her fin­ger in her face. It re­minded me of a strug­gle session, but the stu­dent her­self, in her cer­titude, self-righteousness and chic, also reminded me of Ms. Oca­sio-Cortez and her friends in Con­gress.
In less than three months in of­fice they have es­tab­lished a new mood, an ap­proach to na­tional pol­i­tics that is com­bat­ive, an­gry, po­lar­iz­ing. Rep. Ilhan Omar of Min­nesota surely meant to op­pose U.S. pol­icy to­ward Is­rael but some­how couldn't quite man­age to do it with­out be­ing ob­vi­ously anti-Sem­itic—"Is­rael has hyp­notized the world," "It's all about the Benjamins baby." It caused an up­roar, she apol­o­gized, but it seems never to have oc­curred to her that you can't talk about your fel­low Ameri­cans that way. Or that she is a pub­lic fig­ure and has to ac­tu­ally model admirable be­havior.
The rest … Congress's Mean Girls Are Trump's Offspring