Wednesday 6 March 2019

“Is the US willing to wage nuclear war to contain China’s rise?” | SCMP

This is a terrific, thought-provoking, eye-opening article by Hugh White. I used to work with Hugh in Australia's Office of National Assessments back in the 80s.
(The article was headed "Wishful thinking" in today's print edition). 
One key quote, the first "thing to understand", according to Hugh:
Very simply, America wants to remain East Asia's preponderant power, and China wants to take its place.
That alone is enough to make you sit up and take notice. And it's true! But, according to Hugh, not accepted, or perhaps not even understood, in Washington. 
Two other "things to understand":
1.  The strength of China's resolve to win this contest. The Chinese have never stopped thinking of themselves as a major power. I agree entirely. It's the history, stupid. 
2.  China's power. China is the strongest adversary the United States has ever faced. Way bigger, already, than the Soviet Union at the height of its power, and growing. Agree entirely; it's a plain fact.