Saturday 23 March 2019

“I Want to Be Investigated by the FBI” | Alan Dershowitz | WSJ

Dershowitz is law professor emeritus at Harvard university. This is a clearly and beautifully written article. A litany of justice denied.
My own conspiracy theory is that he's being "got at" because he's had the temerity to wander off the leftist plantation (he's a registered Democrat and donor to Democrats). In particular he wrote a book The Case Against Impeaching Trump, and has supported due process for Trump as well as for the targets of #MeToo allegations. (The Left no longer likes due process — mainly the presumption of innocence — because it gets in the way of "believe the victim" and stopping the likes of a Kavanaugh appointment to the SCOTUS).
So this is a kind of taste of leftist medicine for Dershowitz. Take that, you rotter! Take that, you traitor! You traitor to the cause! You sexual predator! From a vengeful Left.
At least that's my theory, which is mine.
ForDershowitz 's final para:

In more than half a cen­tury of lit­i­gat­ing crim­i­nal cases, I have never seen one in which the ev­i­dence of in­nocence is so in­con­tro­vertible and the evi­dence of guilt nonex­is­tent. If my ev­i­dence is "in­con­clusive", then no falsely ac­cused per­son can ever clear his name.

I Want to Be Investigated by the FBI