Sunday 31 March 2019

"Why are so many Israelis against a Palestinian state?"

This response below, to the question above bears repeating over and over, especially since the opposite narrative of Palestinian victimhood is repeated again and again.  No, it's not "there are two sides to every story".  One side, the Palestinian one, has had a lot more influence in the West, not because it's a stronger case, but because it's repeated more often.  A lie told more often.  I doesn't have more rationale, or morality, or correctness. It has more repetition.  The other side of the story has too little currency.
The story is that Arabs, whether living, have lived or want to live, in Palestine, have rejected again and again offers for peace.  The western Left seems to think that it's Israel that won't accept a "two state solution".  It's not.  It's Arabs.  In Gaza, West Bank and elsewhere.  Arabs who refuse to accept Israel in any part of Palestine.  In *any* part.
So, here goes:

Michael Davison, lives in Israel (1969-present)