Billions given over to the BLM entity, note, by a country that is -- according to the BLM entity -- “systemically” racist. Funny way of showing one’s racism. To give billions to solve it. Though I guess people woikd say it was money given to assuage guilt. And maybe it was.
Tuesday, 13 December 2022
"Black Lives Matter’s missing billions"
I thought it was millions that had been scammed by the BLM company scammers, but turns out it’s billions. I say scammers, as it’s clear that the BLM, the official company with a website and a registered charity -- as opposed to the sentiment, that black lives matter-- is rotten and has been rotten and corrupt from the outset. The main people at the top of BLM have made off with the billions that well meaning people gave to them to solve alleged police racism.