Wednesday 24 March 2021

Zhuangzi on Capitalism vs Socialism


Writing is mine, with a CD marker; I'm going to improve, promise....
[I started looking at Zhuangzi here. A lot of what this Taoist says resonates today]
From Zhuangzi 365 BC - 286 BC. “Nourishing the Lord of Life” article 4. 
Mandarin pinyin, top to bottom right to left: 
Zé zhì shíbù yī zhuó, bǎibù yī yǐn
Bù qí chù hū fán zhōng
Shén suī wáng... bùshàn Yě
My translation: 
"Pheasants scrabble to find their own food and water. They’d be better off in a coop. But they prefer the freedom."
[Or check out Legge's translation Article 4]
Is it too much of a stretch to see the connection between Zhuangzi's ruminations on pheasants (a bit of inter-species mind reading?) and free markets vs socialism? People looking out for themselves, vs being fed and clothed by the state....