Saturday, 16 October 2021

Joe Rogan Vs. CNN's Sanjay Gupta and Don Lemon

Click screenshot for vid. Language warning
(also: “grating accent” warning....)
I'm agnostic on Ivermectin. Historically it's not dangerous, for Covid it may or may not be effective (testing is inconclusive).

Carolla has a good take on the debates, he's well-read on it, surprisingly so, given the number of topics he has to be across.

This shows the contrast in handling the issue, between CNN and Fox. CNN, Don Lemon, Sanjay Gupta, don't come out well. Carlson and Weinstein come out rather better. On any objective reading, surely.

ADDED: Don Lemon doubling down by saying that Ivermectin is a horse medicine, just shows his duplicity. Heaps of medicines (heaps of things) are used by humans and by animals. And Lemon surely knows this; and so, just as surely knows that to say that Joe Rogan was using “horse deworming paste” is only because Lemon want to demonise Rogan -- jealousy? Rogan has ten times CNN’s whole audience). 

Quite why the opponents of Ivermectin are so manic about it, is a bit of a mystery. Perhaps it's because Ivermectin got caught up with medicines like Hydroxicloroquin, which Trump promoted. Trump promoted HCQ, therefore bad. Ivermectin => like HCQ => Therefore bad. I guess. There’s also the conspiracy theory that big pharma is against a simple cheap treatment as it would cut into vaccine profits. Not sure about that. I remain agnostic on that as well.