Monday 10 June 2024

See no Islam. Speak no Islam. Hear no Islam.

If you didn’t know that the attacker, the killer of the policeman in Mannheim, Germany, was an Islamist from Afghanistan, you would not learn that from any of the headlined in the world press, below. 

Many people only read headlines. In these headlines, there’s nothing about the murderer being an Islamist. You might think the policeman died dealing with the “far right” protesters. 

Screenshot of coverage of the deadly knife 
attack on Germans, by an illegal Islamic immigrant

In any case, were the protesters really “far right”?? As almost all the headlines above refer to them as. 

They were simply a group of people demonstrating against radical Islam. The sort that wants to kill unbelievers. The sort that wants to kill “blasphemers”. Like the speaker, who was attacked for speaking out against this murderous ideology. And the policeman killed for defending the speaker. 

How is that “far right”? Obviously, it’s not. It’s normal everyday people crying “enough”. And then getting stabbed. By the very people they condemn. Oh the irony.

In fact, the “broad masses of the European people” are worried about illegal immigration; about the numbers being too high; about the numbers being out of control; and most of all about the numbers from Islamic countries, with their very different values, unwilling to integrate, and coming in without due process.

The people, by all polls, are massively in favour of controls. The numbers go from 70% to 90% wanting greater control.

The “elites”, however -- the politicians, the media, the academy -- all, to a man, don’t want to deal with it. Because, they think, it’s virtuous not to. So they See no Islam; Speak no Islam; Hear no Islam. 

ADDED: the only demonstration the next day, after an Islamist lone-wolf terrorists had knifed five people and killed one, was a demonstration against the anti-radical Islamism rally. Go figure!