Wednesday 12 June 2024

How the Paris of the East became the Gaza of the East

I remember going to Lebanon, to Beirut, in the 1970s. It was lovely. 

It became less lovely soon after I left. In around the mid 1970s. What changed it from the lovely to the horrid was:  

1. Muslim birth rates that were higher than Christian birth rates. From a slightly Christian majority nation to at Muslim majority nation, was the downfall of modern, multicultural, vibrant, Lebanon. Brigitte Gabriel speaks about this, in the vid above, and X-post below. The civil war. The killing of Christians by Muslims. The killing of non-Muslims by Muslims. 

2.  Making it worse: the influx of Palestinian refugees, that had fled from Jordan, kicked out by King Hussein, even while he admitted that Jordan was a “Palestinian State”. But he couldn’t put up with their constant war-mongering. So they pitched up in Lebanon, and worsened things there. 

I have a report somewhere, done by the Australian parliament, of conditions of the Lebanese diaspora in Australia. There are lots of Lebanese migrants in Australia, split more or less 50/50 between Muslim Lebanese and Christian Lebanese. The report found: Christian Lebanese had about the same level of employment as the rest of the Australian population. The Muslim Lebanese have an unemployment rate of five times the national average, at 20%. These are people from the same country, the same ethnicity, all things the same, except for their religion. But the Muslim Lebanese, unlike the Christian Lebanese, took advantage of our generous welfare benefits, paid for by the Australian taxpayer. Polled about it, they openly said that “the kuffar” (that is, we infidels) “owed it” to them. As Muslims. 

There are figures in other places, like the UK, that show the same. Muslim immigrants much more taking advantage of the welfare benefits than other immigrants and than the host population. 

This is one of the reasons that the Europeans are voting to the Right. Because the Left has ignored their concerns about unrestricted illegal immigration, and in particular immigrants with an ideology hostile to that of the host countries. The Left, however, seems determined not to learn any lessons from this, but simply to label it all “Far Right” and horrid xenophobes. 

David Atherton, on X

This is American @ACTBrigitte talking about her Lebanon homeland.

"It was the only majority Christian country in the Middle East" who prided itself on multiculturalism."

It was prosperous & liberal. As muslims entered with their high birthrate they became the majority.

They started "massacring the Christians" in 1974.

She relates that at Christmas her family did not go to Beirut. There were Muslims checkpoints & the Christians were shot dead on the spot.

The starting point of the civil war in 1975 was when Muslims when into a church & murdered the congregation.

"Once they became the majority, they were no longer tolerant of the people that took them in."

They did not see themselves as Lebanese but as part of the Islamic Ummah, an Arabic word meaning Islamic "nation".

The problem was exacerbated by taking in Palestinians from Jordan, who who started a war there in 1970.

Not in the video but Brigitte in 1984 & her family were refugees 3 miles from Israeli border. A Lebanese Christian soldier told them to expect a Palestinian assault & not expect to live.

Her father read from the Bible in anticipation of going to Heaven. Brigitte aged 13 put on her Sunday Best dress as she "wanted to die pretty."

They did escape to Israel & lived in a refugee camp until given asylum in America.

Today the Lebanese Muslims, who are really Palestinians send missiles & drones into Israel.

They are the Hezbollah terrorists.