Saturday 1 June 2024

3,000 years ago. 50 years ago. 10 years ago. And today. ➤ Arabs hate Jews.

3,000 years ago:
Family Guy’s take on the Egyptians enslaving the Jews. Heh!
50 years ago:
Benjamin Netanyahu on The Advocates, 1977
Click here for the video
Ben Nitay” is the name Benjamin Netanyahu (aka “Bibi”) took when he studied at Harvard and MIT in the 1970s as he thought “Netanyahu" might be too hard for people to pronounce! 

Bibi, aka Nitay, finished both Harvard and MIT in record time, even though he returned to Israel in 1973 to fight in the Yom Kippur war. No-one can deny the man’s intelligence. Even if you don’t like him, as many don’t. I do. I admire his intellect, his patriotism, his bravery, his fortitude. 

In the clip above, he’s at a mock court, in the NPR’s TV series The Advocates, a show conceived and run by the famous negotiations specialist Roger Fisher.  It’s kind of like a version of the Geoffrey Roberson’s Hypotheticals.

Bibi’s views on peace in the region are consistent today with what he said then. He says that the issue of a Palestinian state is not the main obstacle to peace. The main obstacle is the Arab refusal to accept a Jewish state anywhere in the region. “The core of the conflict is the unfortunate Arab refusal to accept the state of Israel”. And “This is not an attempt to build a state but to destroy one”.

He quotes the PLO Minister of Information, 5 May 1977:

Our [Palestinian Arab] objective remains the destruction of the Zionist state of Israel”. 
That was true then and remains true now. Lest any doubt: Look at the map in the “People’s Conference for Palestine” video held a few days ago in Detroit. It’s the whole of Israel. Demands for the Destruction of Israel, the only Jewish state, and created under the charter of the United Nations, are now routine and commonplace. 

Yet the west has concocted the “Two-state solution”, always a fantasy -- which the PLO et. seq. play along with from time to time -- and therefore hate Bibi because he keeps pointing out its logical flaws. His objection is based on the logic: there already is a Palestinian state -- it’s Jordan, a fact attested to by Yasser Arafat and King Hussein of Jordan. And to have another one next to Israel would be creating the 22nd Arab State and the Second Palestinian State. 

There are some minor changes in the figures quoted in the video above, in the 46 years since: 

There are now 22 Arab states (vs 21 then). The total area of the Arab States today is 45% larger than the United States (Bibi said “about the same”). Jordan now has 20% Palestinian population, vs 16% mentioned by “Nitay”. It remains a Palestinian state. Albeit one that wants to accept NO MORE Palestinians, because they’ve caused the monarchy so much trouble. Ditto in Lebanon, By the way.

I add: The are of the state of Israel is 0.12% the are of the 22 Arab states. 

10 years ago:
John Kerry “making peace” with Palestinian Hamas leader
and Benjamin Netanyahu, 2014. Plus ça change


And so to today. Where it’s no longer “Could you at least meet them half way” as we see then Secretary of State, the lugubrious John Kerry, suggest to Bibi back then. The international community is effectively asking Israel to give it ALL away. To cease fighting. To give up. To surrender. Not under Bibi they won’t. Although if Joe Biden, Chuck Schumer, the ICJ and ICC cabal have their way, perhaps they’ll manage to overthrow Bibi -- no worries about “electoral interference! -- then the replacement may well be more willing follow the inept Biden clan and do a deal that would leave Hamas in place. 

In which case, it’s rinse and repeat for the whole sorry show above. And ultimately right back to the first cartoon: stateless slaves....


Is “Arabs hate Jews” too tough? Too sharp? Too provocative? Too misleading even? 

After all, we hear people say that before the establishment of Israel: "Arabs and Jews got  along just fine". Peace and brotherhood reigned. Well, perhaps... here and there and from time to time. 

But we must also recall that Arab lands are now mostly Islamic lands. And Islam really hates on Jews. It’s right there in the Koran. Its very first verse, the Fatiha, is a curse on Jews -- as unbelievers, they “incur the wrath of Allah". The Fatiha is recited five times a day in their Salah prayers. Lest ye forget. 

The first Muslim was Muhammad. He attacked surrounding Jewish tribes in Mecca, when they would not accept his new religion. And from that time on he hated the Jews. He spoke of his hatred of Jews often, as recorded in the Hadith and in his biography, The Sirah, or Life of Muhammad. He is the “perfect man” the man to be emulated, and so it’s no surprise that his followers also hate on Jews. Even if they can get along from time to time. Enmity is more the norm.