Saturday 8 June 2024

Illegal immigration into the United States at the Southern Border. (aka “Undocumented”. AKA “Newcomers”)

Putting this here for the record, as it’s now subject of some discourse in the US. 

Some are saying: “Trump era undocumented border crossings were the same as with Biden”. That’s plainly false, from the data. But even educated folks, like Bill Maher are saying it, and apparently believe it. No, there’s a big difference and the difference is policy, not happenstance. 

The reason for the huge spike under Biden is purely due to policy. On Day 1 of his presidency, by Executive Order, he scrapped all the Trump era policies that had kept border crossings to a level similar to Obama when there was much less push-pressure. 

Only now that the election is around the corner, does he issue another EO to restate some -- but not all -- of the policies. He’s realised that the huge spike in numbers is not at all popular, not even in Black and Latino communities, who resent the hand-outs given to the illegals, now known as “Newcomers”. They get free phones, accommodations, food, access to facilities. What about us, these other peoples of colour are saying.