Thursday 6 June 2024

More clips from the series “not-so-useful idiots"

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Dictatorial communists -- Lenin, Stalin, Mao -- have always relied on what they called “Useful idiots” in the West to spread their ideology. Hamas is the same. Students at Ivy League Universities are their “useful idiots’. 

Trouble is there are also "Not-so-useful” idiots. Because they’re just idiots. 

Look at the person above. She actually did say, right there on camera, after telling the interviewer, the very gay-doll-guy, that she’s been studying in the Middle East, she actually says:
“Israel is Islamic, right?” 
Except she doesn’t even say “Islamic”, she says “Islam”. “Israel is Islam, right?” 🤦. And knows nothing about how LBGTQ people are treated in Islam. This woman is so moronic she doesn’t know that “gay rights in Islamic countries" is oxymoronic. 

I only post this because it’s breathtaking how silly this woman is. But... there are plenty of videos with the same level of ignorance. All the “Queers for Palestine”, all the “Gays for Hamas”, all the “Trans for Intifada”, are all of an ilk. Their intersectional politics of oppression and victimhood have blinded them to the reality of what’s going on in the Middle East. 

Funny... and also kind of sad....