Sunday 2 June 2024

"Donald Trump got did dirty” | Charlemagne Tha God

"Donald Trump got did dirty”.

So says the first guest on Charlamagne Tha God, the biggest Black podcast. Charlamagne, a waning Biden supporter, has guests on that are furious at the Trump verdict, until he cuts them off. 

Charlamagne, by the way, is the podcast on which Biden infamously said “if you vote Trump you ain’t Black”. Which it turns out has really got up the nose of many Blacks, as we saw a few weeks ago at the Trump Bronx rally

Barry Cunningham, another Black podcaster, reports all this. 

The woman at 30:48 is super educated on the trial. She knows that Trump was not afforded the right to full defence and to know what the actual charge was an until the prosecution’s closing argument (which in New York City comes after the defence has closed!). And others equally enraged. 

Cause they understand a judicial system can be all-set against you. As the Democrats have been telling Blacks for years: there’s systemic racism, police are out to kill you, the legal system is out to incarcerate you. 

But when it comes to Trump, the Left is all: oh, no, the system is unbiased, the legal system is good and just and fair and impartial. We must respect the court's decision, we must respect the judge, we must respect the jury -- which is a jury of his peers! we must respect it all. Got it?  

Well, no, we ain’t all got it. Say many in the Black community. 

Various quotes from the folks on Barry’s show

“All of America right now ought to be afraid that he’s been convicted”. 

“Trump wasn’t allowed to adequately defend himself against charges that weren’t even stated”. (This is true, albeit almost unbelievable. Trump wasn’t allowed key witnesses like the expert on Election Finance Law, and the actual charge -- which included Election Finance violations -- was not revealed until the Prosecution closing statement. Go figure that one...).

“The weaponisation of the legal system is so blatant, this corruption cannot stand. I was on the fence, now I’m voting Trump.”

“Whether I like Trump or not -- which I don’t -- I feel I must stand against the Lawfare that was on display, the weaponisation of the legal system was so blatant and this corruption cannot stand.” [here]

“Democrats celebrating this conviction: It’s like you’re white and you whoopee at at a verdict by an all-white jury in the deep south finding a young Black man guilty of raping a white woman.” 

“This man [Trump] gettin’ the People treatment. Not like the treatment of the elites”.  

Recall that even the legacy media thought this indictment was unconvincing: New York Times called it “weak gruel”. The main man on CNN,  Fareed Zakaria only a few weeks ago said “this is lawfare”. That is, weaponising the legal system against your political opponents. Lawyers on both sides of the aisle have mocked the case. 

As for the fact that it's “34 felonies”, this is the analogy: say I’m accused of Jaywalking. But instead of one charge of Jaywalking, the government makes out one charge for each of the 34 steps I took to cross the road. In the Trump case, the reimbursement to Michael Cohen was not made as one payment but 34 individual payments. Each one  was named as a separate felony. Prosecutor Alving Bragg has managed convinced the broad masses of Democrats that Donald Trump is guilty of 34 separate felonies. Way worse than just one. Right. 

Trump claims he’s a “Political Prisoner”. Joe Biden smirks. The irony is that the United States would severely criticise any country that imprisons political opponents, but sees nothing odd in doing exactly that in the United States. Yet what happened in New York is even worse. At least in Russia they cobble together a charge of something serious, like Treason, or Murder. But a “bookkeeping error”?? 

On X, there’s heaps of Dems crowing. “No one is above the law”. “Respect the verdict”. “This is the best of our legal system”. And so on. 

On the other side on X, one says: If Obama had been charged with a crime, in a Republican state, with a Republican prosecutor and a Republican Judge who’d donated to the Republican party and had a daughter making hay off the case, and who despised Obama, and made highly prejudicial jury instructions, and was then found guilty on all charges by a Republican jury, who also hated him, but without even having been told what the actual charge was, we’d have firestorms by now. Demonstrations, “Resistance” and riots everywhere. Wouldn’t we?

These folks at Barry Cunningham, all Black folks, many from New York City, are having none of it

This is not just cherry picking. Polls, shown even on CNN, show a trend of Black voters going Trump-side, especially young and male. Barry shows the polls at the beginning of his pod. 

I’m not silly enough to believe that the Black vote is going all-in Trump. It’s not. But there’s big chunks that are. Because they recall the better times in Trump’s presidency. Recall: it was the first time in decades that Black real wages increased. Gas prices were low. They could afford groceries. None of that is true now; not through accident, but though policies of pumping  Trillion$ into the economy. 

Blacks also know that the Democratic party takes their vote for granted. They’re wising up to that and saying “hell no”. They’re seeing the treatment of Trump and they recognise the weaponisation. They’re saying “hell no”.