Tuesday 4 June 2024

Whoopi gets it right for a change: Trump the CONFECTED felon

The leader of abc’s “The View”, that gaggle of giggling gals (a bigot would say), Whoopi Goldberg is so keen to make whoopee on the Trump conviction, so keen to be the first on The View to say that Trump is  a “convicted felon”, that she stumbles and stutters and says he’s a “confected felon”. Yikes!

Freudian slip, much? 

Many say that these sorts of slips reveal what’s really on one’s mind. On Whoopi’s mind, such as it is, that the conviction was a confection. 

Cambridge Dictionary: “Confect: to create something, especially in a way that seems artificial or false”.

Just as Trump’s conviction was confected, a Frankensteinian conviction, cobbled out of an expired misdemeanour (exactly the same as one that got then-candidate Hillary Clinton an $800 fine). 

That way “confected”. 

Im not going to try to find the clip with her slip; its probably been snipped out of existence -- the clip with a slip is a snip.  But it did happen. I saw it IRL.

Every time someone says Trump is a “convicted felon”, the response from his supporters should  be “oh, you mean a confected felon!”. 
V words:
Vale, Vixen, Vole, Vicious, Vacuous, Virulent, Vacant, Venomous, Void, Voodoo, Vulgar, VIEW.