Wednesday 12 June 2024

"What we’re looking at is Islamic imperialism” | Amy Alkon

Amy Alkon, on X:

It’s not about Jews or land—that’s just propaganda for you gullible, anti-Semitic, campus-stomping “useful idiot” westerners, poisoned by the toxic racist ideology of intersectionality and CRT and turned into robots of hate.

What we’re looking at is Islamic imperialism—the demand in Islamic texts that Muslims violently impose Islam on all of us around the globe: aka “The New Caliphate.”

“The Quran not only calls Muslims to submit to Allah, it also orders them to  subdue people of other religions until they are in a full state of submission to Islamic rule.  This has inspired the aggressive history of Islam and its military and demographic success in conquering other cultures.” [Reference]
The best was when the evil head of Hamas in Gaza, Yahya Sinwar thanked American college students for (throwing away their education and) screaming for the extermination of Jews. Didn’t that turn on any lightbulbs? Not a one?!
We know: You’re ultimately just a bunch of Jew haters, desperate to have plausible deniability for vocally and publicly expressing your antisemitism. (You don’t care in the slightest about the Palestinians!)

Tough words from Amy. Pretty much spot on, but.... Islam is a Jew-hating ideology, first and foremost. No matter the amount of land that Israel might give (has given) to Palestinians, it will never solve the issue, which is the simple, visceral, hatred of Jews, any Jews, living in the Levant.

I just re-read and re-noticed the first sentence above saying “It’s not about Jews and land...”. Well sure, it’s not about land. And it most certainly is about Islamic imperialism, as it’s been for 14 centuries. But it’s also most assuredly about Jews. They’ve been hated by Muslims everywhere, since Muhammad in the 7th century. They can’t abide them anywhere in the Middle East.