Monday 10 June 2024

"The hypocritical boycott of book festivals over Palestine" | SpectatorTV

Two Spectator guys talk cogently about the issue: What’s with all the Boycotting, Divesting and Sanctioning? 

Especially when you’re a Book Festival, and it’s going to be hard to find someone to replace the supporter you’ve ditched because of your own moral scruples. 

And especially when the one you’ve ditched is actually engaged in fixing the very things that you’re so worried about, like Climate Change. 

“Humbug and Hypocrisy” says Alex Massie. From the Show Notes:

When the country’s largest literary festival parts ways with its main sponsor, it is not usually a cause for rejoicing among writers, performers, and the sorts of people who like to go to literary festivals. It is usually a disaster for the festival.
Yet when on Friday the Hay Festival sacked the investment fund Baillie Gifford as its main sponsor, it was felt that a mighty blow had been struck against injustice.
A number of other literary festivals around the UK have since followed suit. What's going on? And what do the protestors want? The Spectator's books editor Sam Leith speaks to Alex Massie.