Sunday 16 June 2024

The “Theory of Public Pressure" | Ze’ev Jabotinsky

 From “Bibi: My Story” by Benjamin Netanyahu 

Jabotinsky had developed the “Theory of Public Pressure” in an article he wrote in the spring of 1929.

He posited that the most potent influence on democratic governments is the pressure of public opinion. It matters not, he argued, if a government is headed by the friendliest of leaders. 

If your opponents apply sufficient pressure on that government, it will eventually tilt against you. To balance this, you must sway public opinion to your side by an unceasing public campaign “like the constant drizzle on a green English lawn,” he said. 

-- “Bibi: My Story”, p.112 Kindle edition, 15%  

I'd thought Zeev Jaobtinsky was perhaps the earliest proponent of the “Theory of Public Pressure”, but it turns out that it was much earlier, going back to Hellenic times. 

But still.... He was the one that made it a central pillar of Israeli influence in the United States. 

Which led to the Israeli public relations machine centred on “J Street” in Washington. Which has been so successful that people make a big issue out of it: “The Jewish lobby”, the “perfidious influence of Jewish public lobbying on American politics”, and all the rest of it. 

Once again, Israel, Jews, are so successful that they cop a malign backlash. 

Even from other Jews. I don’t forget John Mearsheimer's book “The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy”, which I read when it came out -- and agreed with the “1-star” reviewers, that it was a vicious anti-Jewish tract, not mitigated by Mearsheimer's own Jewishness. 

(At other times, I’ve rather liked Mearsheimer’s views on geo-politics. Just that when it comes to Israel, as with so many Jews and goyim alike, he’s blinded. Yes, “blinded” I say. Like the horrid Jew-hating Jew, “professor” Norman Finklestein, he who said of the October 7th Palestinian massacre of Jews, the worst since the Holocaust: “It warms my heart”, he exulted, while hiding under the mantle of “my family were Holocaust victims”. Yes, Norman, and they’d be turning in their ovens at your treachery).

To this day, we have dark warnings of the influence of the “Jewish Lobby” in America. Forgetting always that every other country in the world, every other ethnicity in the world, every other entity in the world, has some form of lobbying in the United States, for it is the biggest country, economy-wise, and the biggest country, military-wise and the biggest country, foreign aid-wise. 

And so of course you want to be there, in the fray, trying to get your own interests heard. 

But again, it’s only Israel, that horrid Jewish "ethno-state", which is singled out for opprobrium, for having the temerity to develop the best of the lobbying groups. 

How dare they? Those perfidious Jews.