Saturday 25 May 2024

Even CNN and MSNBC are stunned at the turnout and diversity of the Trump Bronx rally

Barry Cunningham
A couple of vids from Conservative Black YouTubers, noting what a blast the Trump Bronx Rally was, in Super-Blue (ie, Super Democrat).

Greg Foreman
I don’t have time to comment now, save to say that the Rally seemed to be very good-natured, very upbeat. It caused hurt on some Dems. The couldn’t believe the Orange Man Bad would actually come into the belly of the beast, into the most Blue of Blue counties, the central borough of New York City. 

And here’s a person at the Trump Bronx Rally, who is probably like many Democrats: I don’t like Trump, but I like Biden even less. I don’t like Trump and I hate a lot of stuff that he says, but things were better when he was president. Starts here.  And then a random guy at the Rally, Lou Valentino, speaks so well, here

ALSO THIS: Biden and the the Dems demonise the people on the other side. They call Republicans “semi-Nazis” (Biden), or “Clowns” (Cathy Hochul) or “White Supremacists who love Guns and God” (Nancy Pelosi at Oxford”. 
Trump criticises Biden and the policies. At the rally he said “I don’t care if you’re Black, Brown or whatever the damn colour you are, we’re all Americans and we’re all going to fix things”. Rather more unifying message. And only understood if you actually listen to what he says, and not just take in what MSNBC and CNN say he says.

Get it? People vs Policies. Biden criticise PEOPLE; Trump criticises POLICIES. Which is better?