Wednesday 24 July 2024

“Can Kamala Harris win the election?” | Australian ABC radio question

“Can Kamala Harris win the election?”

This was the poll question on the Aussie ABC radio station, Canberra AM666, today 24 July. 

And of course the answer was a resounding “yes”. 82% Yes and 18% no.

That included my texted answer which was “Yes” she could but “No” she shouldn’t. 

ABC Radio rang and asked me if I would like to be “Texter of the Day”(more below). 

Here’s my texts. Text ONE: 

Of course America CAN elect a woman president. The question is should America elect THIS woman.

Hillary Clinton didn't lose because she was a woman. She lost because she was a terrible candidate.

So is Kamala Harris. She was the worst performer in the 2020 primaries. She didn't gain a single delegate vote and pulled out before Ohio.

Her vice presidency has hardly be crowned with glory. But rather beclowned by silliness.

She is deeply ensnared with all of Biden's policies, including the disastrous Afghan withdrawal, Gaza, Ukraine, inflation etc...

PF, Hong Kong

Text TWO:

In answer to the anchor, James Vyver, who said that “of course the Veep in the US has limited opportunity to be out of the President’s shadow”:

"The VP is in a shadow"
Kamala Harris was named by Biden as his Border Czar.

She famously (infamously!) lied about having visited the border when she hadn't and was failed to make any inroads into the vast numbers entering the southern border illegally.

Her times as DA of San Francisco and AG of CA were also overall a failure. She's famous at failing upwards.

So, again, woman YES, this woman NO...
PF Hong Kong

Text THREE:  

"Can Kamala Harris win the election?"

I've already said yes she can, but no she shouldn't. 

Because of her policies. 

I'm sat here in Hong Kong listening all afternoon to the topic being discussed on ABC 666, including by the "thoughtful women" and am amazed that there's been no mention of the most important thing: her policies. Which is to say, the policies of Joe Biden. 

All you've discussed is the fact that she's a woman and a WOC. Nothing about what she would do as president. 

There are more people than you imagine, in the US, who care about this. And who find marked differences between the GOP and the Dems. And who choose those of the GOP. 

You should surely cover the Policy issues at least a bit. No?

PF, Hong Kong

The reason for 3 whole texts was that the show was on for hours and I happened to listen to it for hours. Not that I usually listen to Australian radio, but sometimes, for a change of pace. 

The ABC people in Canberra rang me and asked me if I’d be the “Texter of the Day”. Which is what, I asked. It’s where I get phoned up by the host of the show, asked for a song to play and to answer his questions. I declined. I was sure my own views were very counter to his, and I didn’t feel like being slammed, as anyone can be, no matter who, if the host of the show is against you. Maybe too paranoid, but that’s it.

Overall, the fact remains this: that the thing the ABC thought most important about Kamala Harris were her sex and colour. Not anything to do with her ideas, her policies, or her performance to date. About as relevant as saying that having ginger hair or brown eyes is relevant. (“The first POC who is also ginger, Yippee!”). 

ABC and most of the phone-ins seemed to think that Kamala is new on the scene. Which to them she probably was. And thus the whole panoply of the world lay in front of her. They had no idea of how bad she’d been as the DA of San Francisco or during her time as AG of California, or as a short-term Senator for CA, or as Veep. 

There’s a 3-part series on the life and jobs of Kamala Harris, by the Daily Wire. Of course it’s critical. But a counter to the encomia served up by mainstream media.  And as far as I’ve fact-checked it, it’s correct. Part 1 here

In the DA and AG jobs she began the progressive policies that have ruined the city and the state. 

San Francisco (and others, like LA, Seattle, Portland, San Diego) are now ghost town in their CBDs: shops and businesses have fled the rampant crime, a direct result of the policies of Kamala and her coterie. Over 800,000 people have left California in the last three years, because of the waste and destruction of the progressive policies of Kamala and her male doppelgänger, Gavin Newsome.  

None of this factored in to the ABC Radio Canberra afternoon talk subject. It was all about her sex and colour. Her immutable characteristics. Like her brown eyes. And about as important.