Sunday 7 July 2024

Epic ignorance from Muslim Senator Fatima Payman

Tom Connell talks to ex Labor Senator Fatima Payman
Click HERE for the video

Fatima Payman is the now-ex Labor Senator, who quit or was fired from the Labor Party in Australia for crossing the floor over the vote on a Palestinian state. The Labor Party, for now, is against it, and Labor rules are that you must support the Party. She didn’t; she crossed the floor and is now out of the party. 

Above she’s giving an interview to the Sky News people. Not much of a testing interview, tbf, as the interviewer was not very probing. Still, I was rather taken aback by just how ignorant of basic facts Fatima Payman is. You’d think she’d know more, given that she’s chosen this hill to die on. Or to cross the floor on, at least. A few choice bits I’ve picked out, of many that are simply ignorant or silly. 

4:20: “This isn’t about Hamas. Hamas needn’t be involved” in a Palestinian State. Well, Jolly good. But Hamas won’t agree not to be involved and to simply wish them away doesn’t cut it. 

A bit later: Talking about the two-state solution: “We’ve already recognised Israel, so why can’t we recognise Palestine?”. 

Well, Fat, it’s been proposed numerous times, first in 1937 and right up to the 2000’s. 

Each time the “Palestinians”, aka the P.L.O., or Hamas, or Fatah, or the Palestinian Authority, have rejected it. Usually followed by an intifada , or uprising. Because the Palestinian aim is not a “two-state solution”, which they expressly reject, but one state, all of present Israel, in which they would hold power. In which they would, in short order, expel or kill all the Jews. How do we know this? (1) Because it’s what they say in their Charter. And (2) because of history. 

We need only look at  the way Jews have been treated in other Arab states, including Gaza, the West Bank and all surrounding states. In all cases, bar nine, Jews have been driven out or killed. Ethnically cleansed. So a One State “solution” would be the “Final Solution”: the death of jews in any Palestinian state. What young Fatima is calling for — whether she knows it or not — is for the killing or displacement of all Jews. If  displacement to... where, exactly? 

4:40: “We want to see Israelis and Palestinians live side by side in harmony.” That’s what Israel wants as well. Problem is not Israel but Hamas, et. al.  The saying is “if the Palestinians put down their arms there will be peace; if the Israelis put down their arms there will be holocaust”. That’s as true today as it was 70 years ago. Naive know-nothings like Fatima Payman need to learn simple lessons like these before sounding off, especially as a freshman Australian Senator for Hamas. 

5:40: “This would give the people on our shores the hope, the social cohesion...”. Huh? She’s talking about hope and social cohesion of Australians? Presumably Australian Muslims. Doesn’t make sense, when what’s being talked about is the statehood of Palestine. 

6:00: “From the River to the Sea”, for her means “freedom from injustice, freedom from occupation, freedom inequality....”. She also calls it “From the River to the Jordanian Sea”, so she clearly doesn’t know her geography. And she can feel all she likes about the injustice and inequality, but for the Gazans and the Fatah folk on the West Bank it’s clear that it means ethnic cleansing of the Jews from the land now called Israel. 

In a separate interview, Fatima says what’s going on in Gaza “pierces the heart”. She decries the deaths of “all the innocent lives”. She means those in Gaza. I have searched in vain for her denunciation of all the innocent lives lost, raped, kidnapped and tortured in Israel on October 7. By the same people that she crossed the floor for. That she broke Labor Party rules for. That she ended her Labor Party career for. That she carries water for. That she wants to reward with a State for.

That’ll do for now. There’s other silliness and naivety and ignorance from the mouth of young Fatima in the interview above, but that’s all I can put myself through for the moment. 

Tom Connell the interviewer, is pretty hopeless. Perhaps he know the detail himself. Whatever, he doesn’t push back on any of her inanities. 

If Senator Payman wants to help “Palestinians” (aka Arabs), she ought be fighting to rid Gaza of Hamas.