Friday 12 July 2024

"George Clooney: I Love Joe Biden. But We Need a New Nominee.” | George Clooney

 "George Clooney: I Love Joe Biden. But We Need a New Nominee.” | George Clooney

Welcome to the party, George. A bit late, but welcome anyway. 

Oh, boy, do we ever live in Interesting Times! In historic times. 

I remember well when Richard Nixon resigned the presidency. It was because of all the lying and shenanigans around the Watergate chaos. Quite easy to understand and quite easy to see why Nixon had to resign. 

But with Joe Biden it’s because of the debate two weeks ago. Where Democrats and the media are “shocked, shocked...” at his cognitive decline. 

For those not in the liberal media bubble, this was a shock. Either real or pretend. For those of us who read and watched outside the liberal bubble it was not a shock at all. We knew that he was cognitively impaired. 

It’s fun for Republicans to watch the squirming of the liberals. It’s fun for Independents to watch the squirming of the Democratic Party. 

Because all this reveals their hypocrisy. In not revealing his cognitive decline before it was obvious in the debate. In not revealing all his other shortcomings. His poor policies. His lying. His failures in domestic policy. His failures in foreign policy. 

It’s not schadenfreude for me because I like Donald Trump. Oh no, oh no, oh no. It’s because I hate Biden more than I love Trump. And, related: it’s because Trump has been targeted by Lawfare from the Left, and now the Left are on their own cleft stick. The Lawfare is not only recognised (obvs) by Republicans, but by Democrats as well: by Fareed Zakaria, chief editor at CNN; by Andrew Cuomo, ex Governor and DA of New York State; by Alan Dersonwitz, lifetime Democrat, Harvard Law professor for 50 years; by Jake Tapper, CNN anchor. All these people recognise (as do I) that what Alvin Bragg the DA of NYC, did to Trump was a nonsense. 

Why hate Biden? 

Because his policies and his character over the fifty years he’s been in government. 

A very short version of this. 

Lies: Joe lied about his law degree. He lied about the tragedy of deaths in his family. He lied about the “fine people” hoax, he lied about his son’s laptop being Russian disinformation. He lied about no American soldiers being killed in the Afghanistan withdrawal. 

Domestic policy: just in his presidency (because there’s more to criticise in his Senatorial life): we have the poor roll out of vaccines during Covid, the mandates which were unconstitutional, the Inflation Reduction Act, which pumped so much money into the economy that it created inflation. 

Pushing the LGBTQ+ agenda so hard as to harm the Title 9 program; which harmed women, which impacted women in sports, women in prisons, women in locker rooms. 

Foreign policy: Afghanistan withdrawal was a disaster. It led Putin to invade Ukraine, which had been encouraged by Biden saying that a “small incursion” might be ok. And in the process he authorised the bombing of the Gazprom gas pipelines, which led to the biggest release of carbon dioxide in human history. 

There’s his handling of the war in Gaza, which has been feckless and delayed an Israeli final push to end the war by capturing Hamas and releasing the hostages. 

For the Trump, there’s simply this: that there was no new war during his presidency, the first time that a president had not had a new war start on his watch in over 70 years. That credible estimates are that Putin would not have invaded Ukraine during his watch, and there’s a good chance that Hamas would not have attacked Israel during his watch, because of his constraint to Iran. 

His Abraham Accords were historic and promised more peace in the Middle East. Until they were undermined by the Biden Admin. 

Domestically there was low inflation and high employment during his watch. Including the best Black employment since the 1950s. 

David Sachs, not a lifetime Republican, has said more about this in his post. So do his colleagues on the All-in podcast, one the of the best of the independent pods out there. 

All up, for me it’s pretty easy. Trump v. Biden, it must be vote Trump. If it’s Trump v. some other Dem, it depends on the Dem. The following would not cut the ice for me: Gavin Newsom; Pete Buttigieg; Kamala Harris; JB Pritzker.  Each is either incompetent or far-leftist loony. They all have caught the “Democrat Far-Left” gene. 

For now, it’s Trump for president. He’s now become the “normal candidate”. Against the likes of any of the above. Trump is now “Mr Normal”. 


Still watching. 👀. Still dreamin’.

Megyn Kelly talks to Roc Grenell on her podcast and the two release some terrific truth bombs about where we’re all at, in these oh so Interesting Times. It’s so worth the hour of so of study. Especially since these are such historic happenings.