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Tommy Robinson is a Bad Boy. They love to hate him, on the Left. Because, they say, he’s a racist, a xenophobe, a hard-right bigot.
I looked at Tommy Robinson many years ago, just after he’d established the English Defence League. Now, admittedly, that name sounds awful Right Wing-y. Even though the main reason for Tommy setting it up was that he was worried about extreme Islamism in the UK. He’d been brought up in a very multi-cultural neighbourhood, describes how as a kid he had mates of all creeds and colours, and that he had no issue with any of them. Until the issue of ideology. That he saw an Islam extremism that wanted to make everyone else hew to its ideology.
Tommy said: “wait on a minute; we have our own values here. If you come here, you ought to go by our values. Not to try to push your own values. Especially when your own values are anti-women, anti-minorities... “ and the whole rest of it. That’s the reason for the EDL. But he left the EDL, resigned, when he found that it had been infiltrated by far-right nutters. So there’s the irony: that Tommy Robinson left the organisation he set up, because it went to crazy right, and he’s the one that’s demonised for being “far right”. Clearly, he’s the one, because he’s the one with the nous and the leadership to make a difference, and that last thing that the governing class wants is anything shining a light on what they’re doing with Muslim immigration to the UK.
In the video above he talks to Gad Saad, a Canadian Evolutionary Psychologist professor, who was born in Lebanon, a Jew, had to flee the country, as a child, because he was a Jew. Because the Muslims, who became the majority in Lebanon, hunted Jews. To kill them. To drive them out. Which they have done with complete success. There are now no Jews left in Lebanon.
Everything bad that’s said about Tommy Robinson is either ignorant or vengeful. People are either going on what they’ve heard -- he’s a bigot, racist, islamophobe, etc -- or they’re out to get him for his views. Because he warns of he dangers of Islamisation. Which is what I do here. But with none of the bravery and guts and fortitude of this young man. We ought heed the warning, for there’s nothing nice about becoming an Islamic state. Of all the 57 members of the Conference of the Islamic States, all are at the bottom of the United Nations table of Human Development.
Now Tommy has a podcast. Silenced. Nice name. Nice talk with Gad Saad.