Thursday 18 July 2024

“Victory from Allah and an imminent conquest"

"Victory from Allah and an imminent conquest"
The “Banner” is a Hamas flag. Flying high above the London Tube Station, Marble Arch. That I’ve travelled to and fro, many times. The terrorist flag of a terrorist organisation, calling for “victory” of Islam over the decadent west. In which it is flying as if to prove its point. That it’s already victory. That it’s already conquered. That resurgent Islam has it over tired, dispirited enlightenment west.

Read on:As a British Jew, I have no desire to go into the City any more. London 📍 A place where antisemitic attacks are having two or three times a week. Where Jewish schools are vandalised. Where Menorahs are trashed on Hanukkah. Where Palestinian flags are hung from lampposts. Where a Jewish woman and man got beaten up in Leicester Square for speaking Hebrew. Where a Jewish woman had her head kicked in on the first day of Hanukkah in Stamford Hill. Where they chant for “Intifada” in the streets with no punishment. Where people ride along on bikes and knock the hats of elderly Orthodox Jewish gentlemen Where people chase Jewish people down the street Where Jewish supermarkets are attacked by someone wielding a knife. Where people try and bundle Jews into the back of their car. Where people try to kidnap Jewish children out of their prams. Where Jews get on the bus, and people come up to them and say “ARE YOU A JEW” and harass them. Where people harass you on the underground for looking “openly Jewish” Where Jewish charity events are threatened with violent mobs Where Swastikas are being brandished at “protests” Where people dress up as Hamas. Where people are in the street calling for the eradication of Israel (Which would result in 7 million Jews dead. Larger than the Holocaust) Where the Police violently arrest a man for holding a sign saying “Hamas is Terrorist” Where the police tell you “I’ve been kind enough to LET you be here” at a Hanukkah celebration. Where the police will threaten to arrest you for looking “openly Jewish” I could keep going. All of these actually happened and it’s not going to get better. But yes as I said. As a Jewish man whose Jewish family has lived in London for 90+ years. I am now in the process of leaving for good. I have no desire to go into the City ever again.