Monday 1 July 2024

Why can’t we discuss Nuclear for Australia?

 Why does it have to be so tribal? Why can’t we just discuss the issue: should we have nuclear? Without going bananas and accusing the other side of being “wicked”? 

Why does it have to be like this? Especially as it’s said to be “an existential issue” for us. For humanity. Meaning that our very existence is at stake. And yet we argue from our camps, from our tribes. Why?

It’s not the Opposition party that’s making it tribal. What they’ve done is to put some ideas out there, of nuclear power to be a part of the solution for Australia. And instead of saying “ok, we don’t really like nuclear power, but let’s at least discuss it”, the Labor party goes on the attack and makes it tribal.\\

Below are some figures, some data, that show how Renewables are not so cheap. And how Nuclear is a viable solution in places other than Oz, so why not Oz? There’s no reason Oz should not be a part of this nuclear future. 

There is no major economy that’s powered only by Renewables. Because the more Renewables you have the more you have to have excess capacity and storage and these add to the overall cost of Renewables. 

The whole issue is not as simple as saying “let’s go full on Renewables”, which is the current Labor Party policy under PM Anthony Albanese and Climate Czar Chris Bowen

Fun facts about Nuclear:

Scandanavia, about the population of Australia:
High amounts of Nuclear power. Denmark, with the lowest 
has highest electricity costs
The more Renewables Australia has, the higher the cost of electricity 

The more Renwables, the higher the cost of electrity
for all European countries

Nuclear waste problem has been solved
Nuclear costs: from lowest to middle of the pack

Look at the squabble. Instead of Labor saying “we don’t really like nuclear, but let’s talk about it, after all it’s a “climate crisis” and lots of countries either have or are looking at nuclear”. All the G20 countries either have or have proposals to have nuclear. Why are we so much out of sync? Why should we be the ones unable to build nuclear? Why should we be the ones that can’t even put an Ikea bookshelf together? What’s wrong with us? 

Time to build :Look at Finland via the Nuclear Site
Look at Nordics
Look at CA