Monday 29 July 2024

Kamala is our DEI hire (Biden). You say she’s a DEI hire?! Bigot!


The Dems, mainly in the shape of Joe Biden, made the point that Kamala Harris was appointed because she was a Woman and because she was "Of Colour". That is, she is a Woman of Colour. Joe Biden said it. It was, he said, a part of the program of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. DEI. Everyone cheered. 

But then, if today the GOP points out that Kamala was a DEI hire, and it’s “You’re a racist” from the Left. It’s “like you’re using the N-word” said Rep Maxwell Frost (D) Florida

It’s fine -- indeed laudable -- for the Left to say Kamala is a DEI hire. It’s not at all fine -- indeed racist -- for the Right to say she’s a DEI hire. 


Greg Foreman rips it apart, as usual. It’s grossest hypocrisy. To constantly attack the Reps on various “racist’  grounds and then to cry “racist” when similar attacks come to them. The woman from CNN, above, seem genuinely puzzled at this simple point. 

There’s another thing I came across on X. Scott Adams asking people what happened when they told their Democrat friends and family about the “fine people" hoax.

The “fine people hoax” is the belief on the Left, promoted by Joe Biden, that Donald Trump said -- at a rally in Charlottesville, arguing over the fate of statues, at which some neo-Nazis marched --  “there are fine people on both sides” and that what he meant was that the neo-Nazis were also “fine people”. 

Trump did say there are “fine people on both sides”, but what he was referring to was on one side the people who wanted to topple statues of Confederate generals, and on the other side, people who wanted to keep them for historical reasons. He then went on to say, to clarify: “... I’m not talking about White Supremacists or neo-Nazis who must be condemned totally”. 

He did say that, and it’s on record. However, the Left clipped that clarifying bit from every quote since. 

To this day Democrats believe that Trump was referring to Nazis when he said there are “fine people on both sides”. 

The answers to Scott Adams’ X post are amazing. In no single case did one of their friends or family say something like “Oh... I didn’t know that. That’s interesting. I get it. I was wrong”. Not a single case. In all cases they found ways to deny the fact. Or to get angry. Or to slink away and come back later with their original hoax belief intact. 

So how can we hope that there’s going to be understanding between the Left and the Right? There can’t be. Everything else is way more complicated than the simple thing that Trump was deliberately misquoted about the “fine people”. Yet, even that, easily provably false, clearly a hoax, was not and is not, enough to change minds. 

The Truth does not change minds.